I cannot use the "GPT Plus" Service, although I have paid for it two days ago!


You pay for the usage of ChatGPT Plus, for these:


and You pay for API usage as you use it, when you set up a payment method (paid account in OpenAI Platform):

I see RealityMoez!

That is clear now to me. Sorry for my misunerstandings, hoewever I did not know/realize that.

So, I have to pay for another subscription for a paid account in OpenAI Platform! Correct?

I thought that paying for ChatGPT Plus would give me access to OpenAI Platform as well.

Please confirm once again that I will have to make another subscription for an OpenAI Platform account, apart form my PAID “ChatGPT Plus” AND “AIPRM for ChatGPT” accounts I already have…

Is this correct? Should I pay for a Third Subscription?

Thank you very much for your patience with me.


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Yes, Correct…

But it is not really a subscription as you think, they just need a payment method, so you can pay only for how much you use the API.

As their API is used in many businesses since years.

You can refer to their API prices at Pricing

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