AIPRM Splash screen blocking GPT start screen

Love the addition of the new GPT library, however when I click on one, the new screen pops up explaining how to use it. Almost immediately, the AIPRM screen/dashboard launches with all the ChatGPT prompts there, blocking out the instructions for that GPT.

Is there a way to toggle that AIPRM dashboard on or off so that we can read the GPT instructions?

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blocking out the instructions for that GPT

There’s a new update coming soon, that will integrate GPT’s author starter prompts in AIPRM screen, that will add more useful use cases with AIPRM templates.

Stay tuned…

In the meant time, if you want to toggle AIPRM on/off:

Hi Brilliant Team & Community

Can you please help to solve the issue of GPT not showing Prompts?
If I select GPT and then disable AIPRM, 4 startup prompts appear at the very bottom, not similar to AIPRM’s regular display. And if AIPRM is disabled, no GPT prompts appear.

Best regards

The starter prompts for custom GPT are now visible with AIPRM for ChatGPT version

Wow, that’s amazing ;D. Thank you so much brilliant Team for your marvelous Support & generosity.

So does AIPRM update automatically? Because it is still at version

Best regards,


Follow these steps, please:

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How can I easily disable AIPRM from my chat? I can’t properly view the information of the GPTs, their website, or description. Is there an easy way to do it, or do I need to uninstall the extension?

To find the “About” section of GPT, simply click on the model/GPT dropdown:

You can also temporarily turn off the AIPRM extension if needed.