In reference to this post - Easy way to view and print chatgpt MD markup export files preserving LaTex format
and subsequent thrashing about, it appears that ChatGPT’s MD file export doesn’t exactly match its appearance within CHATGPT. Shall I file a bug report or issue with CHATGPT? If so, can you provide a link or advice for doing so? In particular, the issue regards the appearance of KATEX mathematical formulas therein. Cheers.
can you explain me better with some pics that you are talking about,
I will try to help you
It’s the same issue we were talking about in the referenced link, Chinmay. I did file a ‘complaint’ with chatgpt. They decided not to act on it. Cheers.
I think It should work after little bit manipulation with prompt.
i think its working, Please check this
You are an expert in LaTeX and KaTeX, tasked with generating KaTeX code to format mathematical questions with multiple-choice options. Structure the question using appropriate KaTeX syntax for all mathematical symbols and equations, The goal is to produce well-structured KaTeX code that can be seamlessly integrated into educational materials. If you want to understand the syntax surf on and write latex code of for above image
Check out and tell me if it works for you
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You (we) already solved my problem, Chinmay, at the link I posted at the top. I was just trying to get ChatGPT’s Math Solver formulas from ChatGPT’s native display preserved all the way through to a print or pdf. But if I ever get into writing KaTex and LaTex, I’ll look you up. Now, if you could figure out how to prompt ChatGPT to successfully make a multiple choice quiz with a truly random distribution of correct A, B, C, D answers, that would be a feat. There are probably ambiguities nested in my prompts SOMEHOW, though it doesn’t seem so. Chatbots will sometimes defy logic, it seems at times. Cheers.
Create a multiple-choice quiz with 10 questions. For each question, generate one correct answer and three incorrect answers. Randomly assign the correct answer to either option A, B, C, or D. Ensure that the distribution of correct answers across all questions is random, with no discernible patterns. The topics of the questions is algebra and calculus.
i think I works for me right now as those 10 ques did have only 1 correct option and at random, don’t know what happens for bulk approach
Use it and let me know