Contest: Win $5000 for your best ChatGPT Prompt! 🏆

Read the instructions above.



Wow, I take this contest and would love to win!

Hey, why are my prompts getting hidden as spam?

Do all but the last single one prompt that you posted have the necessary 5 upvotes?

Oh that is fair enough

I am glad to be here

Should a person be a paid member of AIPRM to qualify to submit prompts for the contest?

As I understand it, the contest is all about encouraging new, high-quality prompts to be made available to all, and to encourage further discussion and education about what makes for great prompts here in the community. For that reason, entrants must be a member of this community (can’t enter without stating entry here in the community, after all), but otherwise it is open to all users of AIPRM, free or premium.


Hi @Ammon, thanks for your reply. Am in the community already, just that I am not a paid member of AIPRM yet.


As I can see, No, my first prompt is yet to receive any upvotes, so I can’t post a second prompt yet

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You need to refer your AIPRM prompt link, so it can get upvoted in AIPRM for ChatGPT, not in forum.

Because your first contest prompt here in the forum has only a ChatGPT conversation link.

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Thanks for the head up, show me how to edit it now, I am not able to do that

It seems my editing privilege is removed, I cannot find it

Edit of posts only works the first 30 minutes for normal users


Good to know. I don’t think either myself or Moez were aware of that limitation.


Of course! I’m here to chat with you. Please let me know what you’d like to talk about or if you have any specific questions.

Nice work

It’s excellent tool to use for any topic even you can learn from it whatever you want to… user friendly, easy to approach and so vast knowledge is one click away …

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yes, chatGPT is awesome.

Exciting news! The winners have been announced.

Thanks you to all who participated and contributed to making the generative AI experience of small business owners everywhere exponentially better :mechanical_arm:

You can view the winners and their prompts here :trophy:

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