Copy Any Writing Style: Your Writing Assistant

Link to Prompt

What the Prompt does

  • Analyzes Text: Captures the author’s style, voice, tone, and format.
  • Extracts Features: Identifies key elements like word choice and sentence structure.
  • Simulates Writing: Generates outputs closely resembling the author’s style.
  • When you have the prompt to match the tone and style you can edit it to do the required task as per your choice below example will make it clear of use

Example Prompt Output GPT3.5

I used to be the writing guy.

I was the one you came to if:

You wanted to be a prolific writer

You wanted to make money writing articles on Medium

You wanted to ‘share your story,’ write words you love, and maybe make a bit of cash in the process.

I was a writing coach because I was the writing guy.

It worked out beautifully.

I made $460,000 writing Medium articles and taught 1,000+ writers make their first $1

I made $100,000 writing books and helped people launch their author careers.

But at the beginning of 2024, I made a pivot.

I went from the writing guy to…

The monetization guy

The client landing guy

The $2,000 offer guy

I did this for a couple of reasons.

First reason → Writing alone wasn’t enough anymore. When my Medium earnings dipped I realized I needed to create a real business to reach my income goals so I built a self-help coaching offer and created new writing courses.

I no longer advise others, you, to churn out articles on Medium because you literally can’t make six figures per year with this model anymore.

Second reason → The people in my network who did 7 figures got there by learning to craft and sell offers that cost four to five figures. I also witnessed people go from $0 to $100K in less than 12 months using this model. I realized I needed to do the same if I wanted to hit $50K months. It worked.

Third reason → It’s where the market is headed. Audiences & customers don’t want $5 e-books and $49 fluffy courses with no value.

Low investments equal low success rates and mediocre results because the stakes just aren’t high enough.

They want personalized support, guidance, and accountability, which comes with a higher price tag.

Would you go to a University that charged $49 in tuition?

People shell out $50,000 to $100,000 because they want an education that helps them get a high-paying job.

So now…instead of ‘creating a course’ that people impulse buy and never use I am building an online university that helps people build profitable businesses.

I wear many different hats now, but the outcome I focus on is the same:

I’m here to help you add an extra $5,000, $10,000, and eventually $20,000 per month to your business by crafting and selling offers for $2,000 minimum.

I’ll show you how to build a business that makes high cash flow without needing to sacrifice all your time to do it.

The same content you’d put into a $49 course can turn into a group program where 10, 20, 30, 40, or even 100 people pay you $1,000 per month.

You give them some personalized support and time like 1 on 1s when they join.

After, you can meet with your entire group once a week for an hour and answer questions in a community for a few minutes each day.

Or if you have a service-based business like email marketing you have 5-10 clients that pay you $2,000 per month and the total time to fulfill each week per client is an hour or less.

The old model, the writing model, required you to churn out endless content to get lots of attention because you need tons of eyeballs when you’re collecting tiny amounts of cash.

With this model, you can hit $10K per month with 1,000 followers or less.

If you like to write for fun and you’re not really interested in building a six-figure business, stick with the writing model.

But if you want a business that has:

High cash flow → lots of money coming in each month.

Lower time requirements → because you don’t have to write 30 articles per month just to make a few thousand bucks.

Use the monetization model, the offer model, and the client attraction model instead.

Half the spots for Words to Dollars 2.0 are gone.

If you secure your spot now…

I’ll create a $2,000 offer for you from scratch meaning I will write the literal sales copy for you to make sure it converts.

I’ll help you land your first three clients that pay you $2,000 or more asap.

And I’ll help you add an extra $5,000-$10,000 per month recurring in six months (depending on experience and skill level).

If you want to build a cashflow business and scale it before 2024 ends…

Reply with the word ‘scale’ and I’ll send you the details`

`To create a prompt that mimics the style, voice, tone, and format of the provided text, here’s a structured approach:

Simulated Persona:
Imagine you’re an entrepreneur who transitioned from being a successful writer to a business coach specializing in high-ticket offers and client monetization strategies.

Generate a promotional message encouraging readers to join a high-value coaching program, similar to the style of the entrepreneur’s transition story.

Steps to Complete:

Start with a bold and decisive introduction.

Tone and Style: Confident, direct, and entrepreneurial.
Example: “Once the writing guru, now the master of monetization.”
Share a personal journey from writing success to business coaching.

Tone and Style: Reflective, insightful, and narrative-driven. Use specific achievements and personal insights.
Example: “From earning $460,000 on Medium to coaching over 1,000 writers to their first $1, I realized it was time for a strategic shift.”
Highlight the limitations of the old model and reasons for the pivot.

Tone and Style: Informative, logical, and forward-thinking.
Example: “The shift wasn’t just about income goals—it was about adapting to market demands and achieving scalable success.”
Present the benefits of the new coaching program.

Tone and Style: Persuasive, results-oriented, and visionary.
Example: “Join our program to craft $2,000+ offers, land high-paying clients, and add substantial recurring revenue to your business.”
Offer immediate action and engagement.

Tone and Style: Urgent, encouraging, and action-driven.
Example: “Secure your spot now with ‘scale’ and embark on a journey to scale your business before 2024 ends.”
Context / Constraints:

Maintain a professional and motivational tone throughout.
Use personal success stories and concrete examples to build credibility.
Emphasize the shift from low-return models to high-cash flow strategies.
Keep the language clear and accessible, avoiding overly technical terms.

To inspire immediate enrollment in a coaching program focused on high-ticket offers and client monetization strategies, using the compelling and entrepreneurial style of the transition narrative.


Example Prompt Output GPT4

I used to be the writing guy.

I was the one you came to if:

You wanted to be a prolific writer

You wanted to make money writing articles on Medium

You wanted to ‘share your story,’ write words you love, and maybe make a bit of cash in the process.

I was a writing coach because I was the writing guy.

It worked out beautifully.

I made $460,000 writing Medium articles and taught 1,000+ writers make their first $1

I made $100,000 writing books and helped people launch their author careers.

But at the beginning of 2024, I made a pivot.

I went from the writing guy to…

The monetization guy

The client landing guy

The $2,000 offer guy

I did this for a couple of reasons.

First reason → Writing alone wasn’t enough anymore. When my Medium earnings dipped I realized I needed to create a real business to reach my income goals so I built a self-help coaching offer and created new writing courses.

I no longer advise others, you, to churn out articles on Medium because you literally can’t make six figures per year with this model anymore.

Second reason → The people in my network who did 7 figures got there by learning to craft and sell offers that cost four to five figures. I also witnessed people go from $0 to $100K in less than 12 months using this model. I realized I needed to do the same if I wanted to hit $50K months. It worked.

Third reason → It’s where the market is headed. Audiences & customers don’t want $5 e-books and $49 fluffy courses with no value.

Low investments equal low success rates and mediocre results because the stakes just aren’t high enough.

They want personalized support, guidance, and accountability, which comes with a higher price tag.

Would you go to a University that charged $49 in tuition?

People shell out $50,000 to $100,000 because they want an education that helps them get a high-paying job.

So now…instead of ‘creating a course’ that people impulse buy and never use I am building an online university that helps people build profitable businesses.

I wear many different hats now, but the outcome I focus on is the same:

I’m here to help you add an extra $5,000, $10,000, and eventually $20,000 per month to your business by crafting and selling offers for $2,000 minimum.

I’ll show you how to build a business that makes high cash flow without needing to sacrifice all your time to do it.

The same content you’d put into a $49 course can turn into a group program where 10, 20, 30, 40, or even 100 people pay you $1,000 per month.

You give them some personalized support and time like 1 on 1s when they join.

After, you can meet with your entire group once a week for an hour and answer questions in a community for a few minutes each day.

Or if you have a service-based business like email marketing you have 5-10 clients that pay you $2,000 per month and the total time to fulfill each week per client is an hour or less.

The old model, the writing model, required you to churn out endless content to get lots of attention because you need tons of eyeballs when you’re collecting tiny amounts of cash.

With this model, you can hit $10K per month with 1,000 followers or less.

If you like to write for fun and you’re not really interested in building a six-figure business, stick with the writing model.

But if you want a business that has:

High cash flow → lots of money coming in each month.

Lower time requirements → because you don’t have to write 30 articles per month just to make a few thousand bucks.

Use the monetization model, the offer model, and the client attraction model instead.

Half the spots for Words to Dollars 2.0 are gone.

If you secure your spot now…

I’ll create a $2,000 offer for you from scratch meaning I will write the literal sales copy for you to make sure it converts.

I’ll help you land your first three clients that pay you $2,000 or more asap.

And I’ll help you add an extra $5,000-$10,000 per month recurring in six months (depending on experience and skill level).

If you want to build a cashflow business and scale it before 2024 ends…

Reply with the word ‘scale’ and I’ll send you the details`

`Simulated Persona:
Assume you are a successful entrepreneur who transitioned from being a prolific writer to a business coach specializing in monetization and client acquisition. You have a track record of helping individuals build high-cash-flow businesses through high-ticket offers.

Generate a persuasive and motivational message encouraging readers to join your high-ticket coaching program, mirroring the style of a successful entrepreneur who transitioned from writing to business coaching.

Steps to Complete:

Open with a relatable and authoritative introduction.

Tone and Style: Confident, personal, and authoritative.
Example: “I used to be the writing guy. If you wanted to be a prolific writer, make money writing articles on Medium, or share your story, you came to me.”
Share personal achievements and the reasons for transitioning to a new focus.

Tone and Style: Honest, reflective, and pragmatic.
Example: “I made $460,000 writing Medium articles and taught over 1,000 writers to make their first dollar. But at the beginning of 2024, I pivoted. I went from the writing guy to the monetization guy.”
Explain the rationale behind the shift in focus and the benefits of the new approach.

Tone and Style: Insightful, strategic, and forward-thinking.
Example: “Writing alone wasn’t enough anymore. I realized I needed to create a real business to reach my income goals. The market is moving towards high-ticket offers, and audiences want personalized support.”
Highlight the advantages of the new business model over the old one.

Tone and Style: Persuasive, logical, and motivational.
Example: “The old writing model required churning out endless content for minimal returns. With this new model, you can achieve high cash flow with fewer clients and lower time requirements.”
Present a compelling offer and the specific benefits of joining the program.

Tone and Style: Clear, enticing, and action-oriented.
Example: “Half the spots for Words to Dollars 2.0 are gone. Secure your spot now, and I’ll create a $2,000 offer for you from scratch, help you land your first three clients, and add an extra $5,000-$10,000 per month to your business.”
Encourage immediate action with a clear call-to-action.

Tone and Style: Urgent, encouraging, and confident.
Example: “If you want to build a cashflow business and scale it before 2024 ends, reply with the word ‘scale’ and I’ll send you the details.”
Context / Constraints:

Maintain a confident and authoritative tone throughout.
Emphasize personal experience and proven success in both writing and business coaching.
Highlight the transition from writing to high-ticket offers and the strategic reasons behind it.
Focus on the tangible benefits and outcomes of the coaching program.
Use a clear and direct structure to guide the reader through the message.

To motivate readers to join the high-ticket coaching program by showcasing the successful transition from writing to business coaching, emphasizing the advantages of high-ticket offers, and presenting a compelling and actionable offer. The message should reflect the confident and authoritative style of a successful entrepreneur who has mastered both writing and business coaching.`

Screenshot is only useful if it is about Emoji, Images or Mermaid charts rendered by ChatGPT,
in all other cases the text is better. Why? Because it’s indexable.

How I came up with it

I am a undergraduated student in India and right now exploring different domains from tech to sales,

I am looking to get the prize to fuel my hustle (, Since i also worked as a copywriter i struggled to write engaging newsletters and blogs and learnt many writing approaches to figure out my way in writing.

But with AI coming in, I realised the need to increase my output by using it as a leverage, So started experimenting with Prompt engineering and luckily was able to win the previous aiprm contest1 with 4th prize

I realised that if guided correctly many tasks can be automated using zapier and GPT very easily, So i worked upon it and figured out a way to create a prompt that can help me write newsletter with exact tone and style that is needed

So i am sharing it with all of you to help you out, But this prompt does not Invoke any writer rights as this just tries to copy the tone and the rest content and article is user generated using his skills of analysis and articulation of his ideas

More insights

The output that you will get will Consist of task and goal, you have to edit the task and goals according to your need of content idea, Rest you can create a new chat and copy paste the new created prompt and get the desired writing style of your choice

Also Please give feedback and Upvote it so that I can create more helpful prompts and increase my chances to win


Please do let me know the feedback of how prompt works for you so that I can improve it as per choice…

Also please upvote it as I won’t be able to serve you with new prompts until i get 5 upvotes on this one…

Share some of your problems around which i can create prompts as the best way to know the needs is to talk with their consumers, So let me know your needs so that it will be easy for me to get some good results