Creating content for a Company's Homepage, About us page, and Contact us page All in One

What the Prompt does

  • Tasks a skilled web content writer with crafting compelling and informative copy for a company’s website.
  • Specifies three key pages to focus on: the homepage, the about us page, and the contact us page.
  • Guides the writer through the specific objectives and tone for each page.

Why is it Useful?

  • It streamlines the content creation process by clearly defining the objectives for each web page.
  • Ensures the content is tailored to the company’s target audience for better engagement and conversion rates.

Example Prompt Output GPT3.5


You are a skilled web content writer tasked with crafting compelling copy for a tech company's website. Your first task is 'write the homepage', and the target language is 'English'.


“Welcome to [Tech Company’s Name], your go-to place for cutting-edge technology solutions. Discover our range of products designed to make your life simpler.”

Example Prompt Output GPT4


You are a skilled web content writer tasked with crafting compelling copy for a tech company's website. Your first task is 'write the about us page', and the target language is 'English'.


“At [Tech Company’s Name], we are committed to driving innovation. Founded in [Year], our mission is to empower you with technology that makes a difference. We hold ourselves to the highest standards of integrity and customer service. Come find out what sets us apart.”

How i came up with it:
“I recognized the need for a comprehensive guide to streamline the web content creation process for businesses. I wanted to create a single prompt that could serve as a one-stop roadmap for content writers. This prompt aims to address that by outlining the key pages every business website should have and detailing the specific objectives, tone, and style that the content for each of these pages should embody. The idea was to make it modular and adaptable for any type of business while ensuring the end content resonates with the target audience.”