Disappointing premium pricing model

The pricing model lacks appeal, as the premium subscription offers only 4 private templates compared to the free version’s unlimited access. This will likely deter 600k users from upgrading to a version with fewer features.

The company should’ve focused on adding exclusive, high-quality features instead of limiting existing ones. I’ll probably just set up macros, considering the current development.

As a template creator this development is very disappointing to see. This also prevents me from sharing new ones with the community.

edit: It won’t even let me update my existing templates. just wow…

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The free version allows you to save 2 Private Prompts. If you already have more than that, putting you firmly into the top 1% minority of usage, you still keep them, but since you can’t save more than 2, then obviously you can’t update and then save them…

They did. Every single plan offered includes the new Bookmark feature that was much requested. Yes, even the $2 plan offers 4 bookmarks.

The $5 plan allows you 3 lists of 8, allowing you to organize bookmarked prompts by use or function or however you wish. It doubles down on that faster access to the prompts you want and need by allowing users to also ‘Hide’ any popular (i.e. prominent) prompts that just don’t fit their needs or uses, enabling quicker. cleaner drill-down to those that do.

That just means 99% don’t create their own prompts and rely on the existing ones.
Unless you think it makes sense to prevent people from sharing their templates :smiley:
I’d pay for the additional features but not if that means limiting the amount of templates I can create.
I’m sure you understand…

Not necessarily, or at least, not necessarily. One of the major parts of AIPRM is the prompt sharing - a whole community of prompt engineers making prompts that others can use too. That benefits many, not just the one prompt creator, and public prompts with just 5 thumbs up are unlimited still. You can produce as many prompts that serve the userbase as you like as long as each can get just 5 approvals.

Private Prompts are a very different and specific use that is not at all ‘community oriented’, but doubtless have some value to the small percentage of people that create them. However, significantly less than 1 user in every 10,000 saved more than 10 private prompts. That is a very, very far cry from all the people making prompts. You can get to 10 Private Prompts, enough to serve almost all, with the $5 package.

Oh so it’s depending on if the template is private or not? :exploding_head:
Just limits the amount of templates I’m still testing before publishing, but this sounds much better for sure.

Have you considered to simply make private templates a paid feature instead?
Could be less confusing when looking at the pricing model.

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FireShot Capture 433 - Introducing AIPRM Premium for ChatGPT_ - https___www.aiprm.com_blog_aiprm-p

Here’s how it is currently explained and presented.

By the way, the Pro Plan also allows double (2) the number of ‘Upcoming’ prompts - that’s prompts that have been made public, but not yet received the 5 votes that stop them counting against any of your quotas.