Halting new signups to AIPRM Premium temporarily due to unprecedented demand

We may need to halt new
signups to AIPRM Premium temporarily due to unprecedented demands.

If you want to get in before the weekend,
please get in now.

#AIPRM #Avalanche #Signup #Premium

If we close, you will then get a chance to sign up for a waiting list.

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Shoulda bought more hamsters… :rofl:

We have all our own stuff stable, a stable forum, stable payments, everything,
but SOME (very large) partners (that we all know and…well) still have some issues :slight_smile:


Of course, and unfortunately that’s always a built-in issue when dealing with APIs and third-parties.

You know - we TOLD them…


But who are we little AIPRM with our 630k users to tell them what we know would happen :smiley: