How can I create content for a Hero Section on the home page of a website?

I have created a prompt for the hero section for the homepage of a website. First off, I really love the idea of a forum (more controlled). Second, I know when I ask this question, I really do not have any control of this prompt - it’s in the wild and anyone can create it. I wanted a way that when a person selected the AIRPM prompt they could enter their business/industry type. Then it would create a keyword, a main headline, and a short blurb for the hero section for their business/industry

Example Prompt:

create content for a hero section on the home page of a freelance website, create a keyword::main headline::blurb

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So to start this:

In the form, how would I enter this?

Prompt Template:
create content for a hero section on the home page of a (enter what business/industry) website, create a keyword::main headline::blurb


Create content for the Hero Section of the homepage of a website

Prompt Hint:

business/industry you want the content for


Website homepage hero content