It’s possible to share a chatgpt chat as a link, and then open the link in Chrome and see the entire chat just as it appeared in chatgpt itself. But I can only print a single page to printer or pdf. Is this a limit imposed by OpenAI until I pay for an upgrade? I’m particularly interested in preserving Tex markup formulas as they originally appear in Math Solver.
It’s evidently not imposed by ChatGPT, but it’s still a limitation of printing to printer or pdf.
However, Chrome extension ‘GoFullPage’ will work, is probably the simplest method and can save a png or a pdf of the entire chat. Extension ‘Markdown Viewer’’ works. Extension "Markdown Preview’ works, but unless I learn otherwise (submitted an issue at github) appears to be slightly buggy, at least where math formulas are concerned. Maybe I hadn’t tweaked its settings properly…