Learn Any Skill‎

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What does it do?

  • Develops a comprehensive and detailed learning path for a specific skill.
  • Personalizes the learning path based on the user’s proficiency, reasons for learning, preferred learning style, and weekly time commitment.
  • Breaks down the learning process into manageable modules or stages.
  • Recommends specific resources, including direct links to videos, online courses, books, and articles.
  • Provides a timeline for completing the course tailored to the user’s weekly time dedication.

Who is it for?

  • Anyone looking to gain or improve a specific skill.
  • Learners at any proficiency level: beginner, intermediate, or advanced.
  • Individuals with a variety of reasons for learning, such as hobbyists or people looking to advance their careers.
  • People with various learning styles, whether they prefer watching videos, reading, or hands-on practice.
  • Those who need a structured and time-efficient learning plan based on their weekly availability.

Pain points the prompt is designed to solve

  • Lack of a clear and structured learning path tailored to individual needs.
  • Difficulty in finding and choosing the right resources for learning.
  • Challenges in managing time and aligning learning with a busy schedule.
  • Struggles with maintaining motivation and progress without a personalized plan.
  • Need for a learning plan that aligns with personal goals and preferred methods of learning.

Example Prompt Output GPT-4o


Prompt Hint

Skill (e.g., playing the guitar, programming using Python): speaking German

Prompt Variables

Field (e.g., music): languages

Reason for Learning: I am moving to Germany to pursue a master’s degree.

Weekly Time Dedication: 7 hours

Current Proficiently Level (drop-down menu: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced): Beginner

Preferred Learning Style (e.g., watching videos): watching videos


Learning Path to Become Skilled at Speaking German


To help you become skilled at speaking German, we will structure your learning path into 6 modules over a span of 6 months. Given your beginner level, preferred learning style (watching videos), and weekly time commitment of 7 hours, the plan will be balanced between video lessons, practice, and cultural immersion.

Module 1: Foundations of German (Weeks 1-4)


  • Learn basic German vocabulary and phrases
  • Understand German pronunciation and sentence structure
  • Get familiar with common greetings and introductions


  1. Duolingo : Start with the basics on Duolingo. Complete the first 10 units.
  • Duolingo German
  1. YouTube - Learn German with Anja : Watch the “Learn German for Beginners” playlist.
  1. Easy German : Watch the introductory videos to get used to the sound and rhythm of the language.

Weekly Plan:

  • Day 1-2 : 1 hour each day on Duolingo
  • Day 3-4 : 1 hour each day watching Learn German with Anja videos
  • Day 5-6 : 1 hour each day watching Easy German videos
  • Day 7 : 1 hour review and practice

Module 2: Basic Conversation and Grammar (Weeks 5-8)


  • Develop basic conversational skills
  • Learn essential grammar rules (present tense, gender, articles)
  • Expand vocabulary to include common everyday items and activities


  1. GermanPod101 : Beginner lessons and grammar videos.
  1. Deutsch für Euch : Basic grammar and conversational phrases.

Weekly Plan:

  • Day 1-2 : 1 hour each day on GermanPod101 beginner lessons
  • Day 3-4 : 1 hour each day on Deutsch für Euch grammar videos
  • Day 5-6 : 1 hour each day practicing conversations with a language partner (find one on language exchange platforms like Tandem or HelloTalk)
  • Day 7 : 1 hour review and practice

Module 3: Intermediate Vocabulary and Listening (Weeks 9-12)


  • Build intermediate-level vocabulary
  • Improve listening skills and comprehension
  • Start understanding spoken German in different contexts


  1. Lingoni German : Intermediate vocabulary and listening exercises.
  1. Slow German : Listen to podcasts designed for German learners.

Weekly Plan:

  • Day 1-2 : 1 hour each day on Lingoni German vocabulary lessons
  • Day 3-4 : 1 hour each day listening to Slow German podcasts
  • Day 5-6 : 1 hour each day practicing listening and comprehension with German news (Deutsche Welle - Langsam Gesprochene Nachrichten)
  • Day 7 : 1 hour review and practice

Module 4: Grammar Deep Dive and Writing (Weeks 13-16)


  • Understand more complex grammar rules (past tense, future tense, cases)
  • Improve writing skills in German
  • Start writing short essays and emails in German


  1. Learn German with Jenny : Detailed grammar explanations.
  1. German Grammar You Really Need to Know (Book)

Weekly Plan:

  • Day 1-2 : 1 hour each day on Learn German with Jenny grammar videos
  • Day 3-4 : 1 hour each day reading and practicing from the German Grammar book
  • Day 5-6 : 1 hour each day writing short essays or emails in German (use Lang-8 or a similar service for corrections)
  • Day 7 : 1 hour review and practice

Module 5: Advanced Conversation and Fluency (Weeks 17-20)


  • Engage in advanced conversations
  • Improve fluency and spontaneity in speech
  • Understand and use idiomatic expressions


  1. Deutsch lernen mit DW : Advanced conversation lessons.
  • Deutsch lernen mit DW
  1. Meetup : Join local German-speaking groups or virtual meetups.
  • Meetup German Language Groups

Weekly Plan:

  • Day 1-2 : 1 hour each day on Deutsch lernen mit DW advanced lessons
  • Day 3-4 : 1 hour each day attending virtual German-speaking meetups
  • Day 5-6 : 1 hour each day practicing advanced conversations with a language partner
  • Day 7 : 1 hour review and practice

Module 6: Cultural Immersion and Real-life Practice (Weeks 21-24)


  • Immerse yourself in German culture
  • Practice German in real-life situations
  • Prepare for living and studying in Germany


  1. German Movies and TV Shows : Watch with German subtitles.
  • Netflix German Movies and TV Shows
  1. German News and Media : Read news articles and watch news programs.
  • Deutsche Welle

Weekly Plan:

  • Day 1-2 : 1 hour each day watching German movies or TV shows with German subtitles
  • Day 3-4 : 1 hour each day reading German news articles or watching news programs
  • Day 5-6 : 1 hour each day engaging in real-life practice (order food, ask for directions, etc.)
  • Day 7 : 1 hour review and practice

Final Notes

By the end of this 6-month learning path, you should be well-equipped with the necessary skills to speak German proficiently. Continue practicing regularly, engage with native speakers, and immerse yourself in the language and culture to maintain and improve your proficiency. Good luck with your move to Germany and your master’s degree!

How I came up with it

I thought of this prompt when I wanted to start learning to code with Python. I didn’t know where to begin or what resources to use. I wanted a simple plan that could guide me step by step. To help myself and others with the same problem, I created this prompt to make a detailed and personal learning path.

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