New AIPRM Hardware soon

The new AIPRM server generation will be delivered in mid-April.

I can’t wait to do the burn in tests on these new clusters.

We’ve come close to 1 million users, on a “test system,” so far, and can go to 1.5 million users with ease.

But we’d rather upgrade sooner than later because we have ambitious plans… :wink:

And we’re just getting started. :rocket:


Now, with 1 million users in AIPRM, we’ll soon hit the estimated limit of 1.5 million of the old test hardware we run AIPRM on.

We will give AIPRM its own cluster, no more sharing resources with LRT :wink:

I just confirmed deployment details of the new AIPRM cluster, using hardware not available to the public yet.

  • Double Node Count in Cluster
  • Latest CPU Top Model
  • Latest Memory DDR5-ECC replacing DDR4-ECC

I am soooo excited…

The new hardware setup will be good for 6 to 10 million users then, if all the benefits compound as expected…

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