PHP 8 oop code generator

Link to Prompt

What the Prompt does

  • Writes PHP 8 object oriented code using best practices
  • If you don’t ask GPT to do this it won’t use OOP and will give you outdated code
  • Outputs comments and instructions in [TARGETLANGUAGE] but only outputs code in English

Example Prompt Output GPT3.5

create a simple hello world script that shows off PHP 8 advanced features can do


Sure, I can help you with that!

Here’s a simple “Hello World” script that utilizes some advanced features of PHP 8 while also following the best practices you listed:

First, let’s create a file called HelloWorld.php with the following content:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace MyNamespace;

class HelloWorld
    private string $message;
    public function __construct(string $message)
        $this->message = $message;
    public function getMessage(): string
        return $this->message;
    public function setMessage(string $message): void
        $this->message = $message;
    public function printMessage(): void
        echo $this->message . PHP_EOL;

Let’s go over what we did:

  • We started the file with declare(strict_types=1) to enable strict typing.
  • We defined a namespace for our code. In this case, we used MyNamespace.
  • We created a class called HelloWorld, which contains a private property called $message.
  • We defined a constructor method that takes a string argument and sets it as the value of $message.
  • We defined a getter and a setter method for $message.
  • We defined a method called printMessage, which simply echoes the value of $message.

Now let’s create a file called index.php and include our HelloWorld.php file:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

require_once 'HelloWorld.php';

use MyNamespace\HelloWorld;

$message = 'Hello, world!';
$helloWorld = new HelloWorld($message);

$newMessage = 'Hello, PHP 8!';

Let’s go over what we did:

  • We started the file with declare(strict_types=1) to enable strict typing.
  • We included our HelloWorld.php file using require_once.
  • We used the use statement to import the HelloWorld class from the MyNamespace namespace.
  • We created a string variable called $message and set it to 'Hello, world!'.
  • We created a new instance of the HelloWorld class, passing $message as an argument to the constructor.
  • We called the printMessage method on the $helloWorld object, which should output 'Hello, world!'.
  • We created a new string variable called $newMessage and set it to 'Hello, PHP 8!'.
  • We called the setMessage method on the $helloWorld object, passing $newMessage as an argument.
  • We called the printMessage method again, which should output 'Hello, PHP 8!'.

That’s it! This script follows the best practices you listed and also demonstrates some of the advanced features of PHP 8, such as typed properties, constructor property promotion, and the nullsafe operator.

Example Prompt Output GPT4

create a simple hello world script that shows off PHP 8 advanced features can do


Here’s a simple example of a “Hello World” script that demonstrates some PHP 8 advanced features and follows the best practices you provided:




namespace HelloWorld;

use DateTime;

class HelloWorld
    public function __construct(
        private string $message = 'Hello, World!'
    ) {}

    public function setMessage(string $message): void
        $this->message = $message;

    public function getMessage(): string
        return $this->message;

    public function displayMessage(): void
        echo $this->message . PHP_EOL;

class Helper
    public static function getCurrentUnixTimestamp(): int
        return (new DateTime())->getTimestamp();




require_once 'HelloWorld.php';

use HelloWorld\HelloWorld;
use HelloWorld\Helper;

$helloWorld = new HelloWorld();

// Optional: Set a new message
$helloWorld->setMessage('Hello, PHP 8! Timestamp: ' . Helper::getCurrentUnixTimestamp());

In this example, I have created a HelloWorld class following the best practices you provided, such as using PHP 8

Screenshot is only useful if it is about Emoji, Images or Mermaid charts rendered by ChatGPT,
in all other cases the text is better. Why? Because it’s indexable.

How I came up with it

I was tired of GTP always giving me old outdated code so I searched the internet for best practices for PHP 8 and put together a set of rules that seemed to fit the best practices I read from several places. I asked GPT how recent its knowledge was of different things to make sure the prompt didn’t ask it to do something it could not. For example I told it to use PSR-12 because that was the most recent one that GPT was aware of and it told me that it was what it thought should be used. I have written quite a few scripts with this and they have all worked very well.

More insights

PHP 8 oop code generator writes you modern PHP code that allows you to create classes that you can use over and over again and it also gives great comments to help you understand what the program does. If you found that the prompt can benefit others, Upvote it, to reach more people.

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I just updated your post to be more readable. @Ogletree

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Thanks I wasn’t sure how to do it right.