Power continue question

To clarify if I requested chatgpt do a long translation or create a long series of text, would this automatically click the continue button for me until the entire request is complete? In other words I would no longer have to sit and watch and click continue all day ? Please advise.

the AIPRM Continue button does not have this functionality.

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Thanks for clarifying for me. Would you be able to advise me on what would do this? I assume if i made request or prompt via api it would solve this issue? is there any way to hit continue automatically>?

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Pay someone else to sit there and press continue all day? :smiley: I promise that would do all you’ve asked.

Some of those limitations on how ChatGPT functions are very deliberate, and very carefully considered. They were safety and abuse limitations that the scientists built into the AI that would limit how it could be abused or misused. Not allowing it to endless do any task without limits is a really obvious one.

If you find a loophole in their safety limits, they will simply add new limits to block the loophole, one of which might be to suspend your account. So be very, very careful.

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If you are an experienced software developer, then you could totally do that.

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It only worked for me once. On other occasions, he ignores the context and writes to me about how to stay motivated to keep writing hahaha. Does anyone know how to correct this?