Prompt for an ultra SEO optimized article to outrank you competitors!

Link to Prompt

link to Prompt "Ultra SEO Optimized article | +1000 words" by "Ramonio" - AIPRM for ChatGPT.

What the Prompt does

  • The prompt crafts a longform article seo optimized to rank easly your competitors just typing 1 title/keyword.
  • There are too much prompts which try to produce same result but ineffectively. This prompt creates a real longform article and seo optimized.
    The pain points to be solved are as follows:
  • Creates an outline
  • The result can be in any language
  • It really gives a long-form article
  • You don’t need prompt engineering, SEO knowledge or copywritting, just the title or keyword.

Example Prompt Output GPT3.5

Can Humans Eat Wood? A Fascinating Exploration

When it comes to the vast array of food options available to us humans, we often find ourselves curious about the boundaries of our culinary adventures. In our pursuit of gastronomic delights, questions may arise about the edibility of unconventional substances. One such curiosity that has piqued the interest of many is the notion of consuming wood. Can humans eat wood? In this intriguing article, we will delve into the subject, examining the nutritional value, historical context, and potential consequences of indulging in this unconventional dietary choice.

1. The Nutritional Composition of Wood

Before we embark on our exploration, it is essential to understand the nutritional composition of wood. Wood is primarily composed of cellulose, a complex carbohydrate that forms the structural framework of plants. Although cellulose is a vital component of a herbivore’s diet, the human digestive system lacks the enzymes necessary to break it down efficiently. As a result, the caloric value of wood for humans is negligible, rendering it an impractical source of sustenance.

2. Historical Accounts of Wood Consumption

Throughout history, there have been instances of wood being consumed during times of scarcity or necessity. The consumption of wood during famines, wars, or extreme survival situations has been documented. In such dire circumstances, wood was often boiled or ground into a fine powder to alleviate hunger pangs. However, it is crucial to note that these instances were born out of desperation rather than a deliberate dietary choice.

can humans eat wood?

Can Humans Eat Wood? A Fascinating Exploration When it comes to the vast array of food options available to us humans, we often find ourselves curious about the boundaries of our culinary adventures. In our pursuit of gastronomic delights, questions may arise about the edibility of unconventional substances. One such curiosity that has piqued the interest of many is the notion of consuming wood. Can humans eat wood? In this intriguing article, we will delve into the subject, examining the nutritional value, historical context, and potential consequences of indulging in this unconventional dietary choice.

Original author: E1vis

Try it for the keyword ‘Poker’. Let me know when it ranks.

AI cannot do SEO.

Yes, it can get some easy rankings on non-competitive terms, and yes, it runs a higher than normal chance of getting the whole site tagged as ‘Unhelpful’ as per the Helpful Content Update that Google introduced a fair while back specifically to catch machine-generated or plagiarized content that really only re-spun what Google had indexed a hundred times before.