Question on limitations of Custom GPTs

Hello, I am wondering if the new custom GPTs are limited to executing actions that can solely be done via Zapier?

For example, I want to have a Custom GPT visit a website such as Propstream, apply a set of filters to the search, execute the search, and export a file off of the website.

Is this beyond the capabilities of the custom GPT?

This can happen with “Code Interpreter” enabled with the GPT builder, when you create your own GPT,

or You can try searching for a GPT that already exists and do that.
(using the search bar in AIPRM Community GPTs that’s available in the latest version of AIPRM extension or higher)

Zapier is mainly needed if “Actions” in GPT’s configuration are set in some GPTs, GPTs that can execute actions during the chat for Google Calendar, Drive, Slack, etc.

I think most of the GPTs don’t have “Actions” added.

They’re not.
Have a look at this dude’s work:
He shares a lot of interesting stuff in this matter.
Also have a look at Liam’s work:


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Any AIPRM GPT’s in the world that help user set up the API integrations to their assistants? I can’t seem to get any set up aside from the standard setup. Would love for a way to automate the API integrations to help build better GPT’s but I suppose that might be competing with AIPRM? Any feedback appreciated

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