Rewriter - V1.6 phishing warnings

Just now I was using Human-like Rewriter - V1.6 and received a phishing warning. This is the first time I’ve had any issues with an AIPRM prompt and could not find any reference to it in the chats. Does AIPRM have a way to prevent “dirty” prompts from populating on the platform?

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. To help us investigate this issue further, could you please provide a link to the mentioned prompt?

Additionally, if you come across any prompts that you think are inappropriate or suspicious, we encourage you to use the warning sign next to each prompt to report it to our team for review.

Thank you for pointing out the warning sign icon. I’ve attached a screen grab of the warning. I’m unsure how to provide a link to the problem prompt.

I apologize but I deleted the plugin. I hope the screenshot is helpful. Would a shot of its entry in the plug in store help? My malware protection is not showing any infection yet the warning shown on the screenshot reappears whenever I use AIPRM. Can you suggest a way for me to check and repair the file?

Thank you for the screenshots. The warning is not related to AIPRM but instead it’s one of the selected ChatGPT plugins.