[SOLVED IN] AIPRM UI broken by ChatGPT Update August 16, 2023

I already updated it but it doesn´t change. The box is still on the top and it´s not possible to get any answers of ChatGPT.

Please follow these steps to uninstall and reinstall AIPRM, and make sure that you have the latest version

It is still not working for me with opera. Chrome works again since today, but only after I reinstalled the addon. Kind of frustrating, usually I never have problems with opera addons and I consider this browser to be superior.

Thank you for the developer install and the clue you gave about it… Its all working great

I can’t make use of my templates. please help me to fix it, thanks

Please follow these steps to resolve the issue:

I’ve reinstalled AIPRM & have the latest update version and still not working… I dont see any promts. ANY UPDATES on when this issue with AIPRM not showing the prompts will be fixed???

Sorry to hear that you are still experiencing issues. Please send more details, including a screenshot and screen recording with a visible browser developer console (press F12 and select Console), to hello@aiprm.com.

I opened chrome this morning and launched chat GPT to find AIPRM wasn’t loaded. I opened up the extensions to see it wasn’t there. I ended up just going to the chrome web store and installed it again and all was good. So just wanted to let everyone know incase it happens to someone else.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: ChatGPT Outage on August 31, 2023

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: AIPRM UI broken by ChatGPT Update September 16, 2023

A post was merged into an existing topic: AIPRM UI broken by ChatGPT Update September 16, 2023