[SOLVED IN] AIPRM UI broken by ChatGPT Update August 16, 2023

I have this same problem too … help, help, help…

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Same thing happening here

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Looks like a bug or fault of the system. I am having same issue and it is frustrating.


I am having the same issue just today. This wasn’t happening Friday. I uninstalled and reinstalled the extenstion and that didn’t happen. I can see the prompts for an instant. I can’t even request anything because what is usually at the bottom is at the top so I can’t see what it is writing either.

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I figure we nowq just have to wait for the issue to be fixed?

Same here. Loads then immediately disappears

This is the exact thing that is happening to me. I’ve literally tried so many things.

The same here (from Brazil)… it seems to be a global issue/fault… It seems that there’s nothing to do but wait by the fix =/

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Same, half hour ago stoped

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Same problem here, too

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Same problem. Can’t use AIPRM.

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If you disable the extension for AIPRM in Chrome, ChatGPT will work. I’m thinking there’s an issue with the extension.

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The small banner have a white background that expand the whole screen, covering up the layer below, you have to inspect element and remove it manually/F12 find it and remove html.
This is a workaround for now until they fix it.

Thank you for helping. I have tried to locate the item to delete but don’t know exactly what to look for. I used find and searched for banner. Can you provide more detailed instruction? Please and thank you.

hi can you elaborate for the laypeoples

Just right click the white background > Inspect > it should already highlight the row of code > right click that row > Delete element

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Thanks lol i actually figured it out but it certainly works everyone!!

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Thank, This solve the bug… thank again


I don’t think my flex-1 fix is correct, but it works…

Also, I’ve recorded a Loom of changing flex-1 in the CSS to see and work with the missing AIPRM aspects.

may we ask how you even found the bug? You make bank as DEV maybe?