Some stats June 16 2023

Today Jun 16 we have

:clipboard: 3,599 Public prompt templates (but many more created and deleted by users or from anti-spam algo)

:lock: 43,519 Private prompt templates

:busts_in_silhouette: 1,448 Team prompt templates (from the new AIPRM for Teams feature just launched beginning of this week)

And since January 8
:speech_balloon: our users sent 76,949,622 prompts created using AIPRM Prompt Templates to ChatGPT.

stats #progess #aiprm #growth


More than 10 private prompts to every public one is interesting. I expect we’ll see that ratio grow further with the team prompts, at least in terms of most prompts created not being made public. Of course, one of the things that slew/skew the data is that spam and low quality prompts that are made public get found and removed, while low quality private prompts stick around until the user may eventually learn better.


Great point @Ammon - yes, the private prompts are 100% unmoderated/unfiltered.

I guess we’ll still see a 1:10 to 1:8 ratio overall, with the deleted included.

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My guess would be close to that, but probably closer to 1:6 or 1:7, given that in addition to spammy or poor quality finished private prompts, there will also be many unfinished, trial and WiP ones too.