The Complete and Definitive Guide to Boosting Small Businesses

Link to Prompt

link to Prompt "Complete Guide for Small Businesses" by "Samuel José - Sjos_04 " - AIPRM for ChatGPT

What the Prompt does

  • The prompt provides a step-by-step guide to solving common problems faced by small businesses.
  • Entrepreneurs must identify and analyze their specific problems.
  • The prompt helps you develop clear strategies and set realistic goals.
  • Solutions are implemented and results are evaluated.
  • There is ongoing support to answer questions and offer additional guidance.

Why is this prompt useful?

  • Provides a step-by-step guide to solving common problems faced by small businesses.
  • It helps to identify, analyze and overcome business challenges in a practical way.
  • Includes a space where you and others can add specific issues, making it more personalized and collaborative.
  • Guides entrepreneurs in identifying causes and implementing effective solutions.
  • Stimulates continuous learning and the adoption of efficient business practices.

Example Prompt Output GPT3.5


The company does not know where it wants to go or how it wants to get there.

`For sure! Here is a step-by-step guide to help the company define its vision and goals:

Step 1: Identify the problem
Carefully review the company’s current situation and note the lack of clarity regarding future direction. Identify whether there is a lack of long-term vision, unclear goals, or lack of alignment among team members.

Step 2: Do an in-depth analysis
Conduct a comprehensive analysis to understand the underlying causes of the company’s lack of direction. Consider internal factors such as lack of effective communication, such as changes in the market or lack of knowledge about industry trends. Gather relevant data and conduct additional research if needed. necessary to gain a complete understanding of the situation.

Step 3: Develop a strategy
Based on the analysis performed, develop a clear and specific strategy to help the company define its future direction. Consider the following approaches:

a) Define a long-term vision: Collaborate with the leadership team and key members of the company to develop an inspiring and meaningful vision that represents the values and aspirations of the company.

b) Establish clear and measurable goals: Define specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound objectives (SMART goals) that help the company achieve its vision. Make sure the goals are realistic and in line with the company’s capabilities and resources.

c) Align the team: Communicate the vision and objectives clearly and involve the team in the process. Make sure that all company members understand and are committed to the defined direction.

Step 4: Implement the solutions
Execute the action plan, implementing the proposed solutions. Assign clear responsibilities to ensure each team member understands their contribution to achieving established goals. Closely monitor progress and support team members by providing necessary guidance and resources.

Step 5: Evaluate the results
Monitor the results of implementing solutions and measure the company’s progress against established goals. Conduct periodic reviews to review performance, identify areas that need to be adjusted, and celebrate milestones achieved.

Step 6: Provide ongoing support
Be available to provide ongoing support to the company. Provide additional guidance, training and mentoring to ensure the vision and goals are met.`

Example Prompt Output GPT4

The work delivered is not satisfactory

`Of course, let’s address the specific problem you mentioned: “The work delivered is not satisfactory”. Here is a step-by-step guide to solving this problem:

Step 1: Identify the problem

  • Specifically identify what is not satisfactory in the work delivered. This could be quality, punctuality, communication or other aspects.
  • Consider internal factors, such as employee competence, and external factors, such as the quality of third-party materials or services.

Step 2: Do an in-depth analysis

  • Analyze the root cause of the problem. For example, if the quality of work is not satisfactory, it could be due to a lack of adequate training or supervision.
  • Gather feedback from customers, employees, and other stakeholders to get a complete picture of the issue.

Step 3: Develop a strategy

  • Based on the analysis, develop a strategy to improve the quality of work. This could include additional training for employees, hiring additional staff or changing suppliers.
  • Set clear and measurable goals such as “improve customer satisfaction by 20% in the next 6 months”.

Step 4: Implement the solutions

  • Implement the strategy, whether it’s training employees, hiring new team members, or changing vendors.
  • Closely monitor progress and make sure everyone on the team understands their responsibilities.

Step 5: Evaluate the results

  • After a defined period of time, evaluate the results. This can be done through customer satisfaction surveys, internal quality reviews or other methods.
  • If the results are not satisfactory, adjust the strategy as necessary.

Step 6: Provide ongoing support

  • Continue to monitor the quality of work and provide feedback and training to employees.
  • Foster a culture of continuous improvement, where everyone in the company is always looking for ways to improve.

Remember, the key to solving any business problem is identifying the root cause, developing an effective strategy, implementing the solution, and then continuously monitoring the results.`

How I came up with it

  • I thoroughly analyzed the needs of small businesses and recognized the lack of specific and practical guidance to solve their problems. I realized that a detailed, step-by-step prompt would be an effective approach to helping these entrepreneurs overcome their difficulties.

  • Based on this insight, I started to design a prompt that addressed the main issues faced by small businesses. I decided to follow a logical structure, breaking the process down into clear, actionable steps.

  • Initially, I proposed the “Identify the problem” step, as I believe it is essential that entrepreneurs clearly understand the challenge they are facing before seeking a solution.

  • I then included the “In-Depth Analysis” step, as I believe a thorough analysis of the problem is essential to identify its underlying causes and its impact on the business.

  • When developing the strategy, I focused on providing clear and specific guidelines so that business owners can approach the problem in a structured and efficient way.

  • The implementation of the solutions was included as a fundamental step, as I believe it is important for entrepreneurs to act according to the established plan to achieve the desired results.

  • Finally, I emphasized the importance of evaluating results and providing ongoing support to companies, ensuring they can adjust their approaches and receive further guidance throughout the process.

  • In creating this prompt, my intention was to provide a comprehensive and practical approach to help small businesses solve their problems. I hope this guide can be a valuable source of guidance for entrepreneurs, allowing them to more effectively meet their challenges and achieve the desired success.

More insights

Step 1: Identify the problem
In this step, the specialist is guided to carefully analyze the current situation of the company and identify the specific problem that needs to be solved. It is important to consider both internal factors (such as limited resources, lack of internal organization, etc.) and external factors (such as fierce competition, market changes, etc.) that may be contributing to the problem. This will allow for a comprehensive understanding of the challenge facing the company.

Step 2: Do an in-depth analysis
In this step, the expert is guided to perform an in-depth analysis of the issue identified in Step 1. This involves examining the underlying causes of the issue and understanding its impact on the business. The specialist is encouraged to collect relevant data and carry out additional research, if necessary, to gain a complete understanding of the situation. This detailed analysis will help in formulating effective solutions.

Step 3: Develop a strategy
Based on the analysis performed in Step 2, the expert is guided to develop a clear and specific strategy to address the problem. This involves setting realistic goals and establishing a detailed action plan to implement the strategy. The specialist must consider different approaches and choose the one that best suits the company’s situation. Practical examples and relevant insights should be provided to assist in formulating the strategy.

Step 4: Implement the solutions
In this stage, the specialist guides the entrepreneurs to execute the action plan developed in Step 3, implementing the proposed solutions. The expert highlights the importance of assigning clear responsibilities and closely monitoring progress to ensure the effectiveness of the actions taken. Best practice examples and additional guidance can be shared to assist in implementing the solutions.

Step 5: Evaluate the results
Once solutions have been implemented, it is essential to monitor results and assess their impact on the business. The specialist encourages entrepreneurs to make an objective analysis of the results achieved. If necessary, adjustments and refinements must be made to optimize the results obtained. The expert can provide guidelines on how to carry out this assessment and suggest relevant key performance indicators.

Step 6: Provide Ongoing Support
In this last step, the expert emphasizes the importance of providing continuous support to companies. The expert should be available to answer questions, provide additional guidance, and encourage continued learning. Practical tips on how to provide ongoing support can be included, how to provide useful resources, share relevant experiences and promote the adoption of effective business practices.

This step-by-step framework is designed to guide small businesses through effectively and efficiently resolving issues. The prompt allows you and others to add specific issues, making it easy to customize the guide to suit individual needs.

The prompt is currently in version 1.5, so within my profile, version 5.0 of the same prompt will appear.

See you later, I’ll add my prompt’s v5.0 update notes here. Thank you for the patience!

Prompt demonstration should be in English Only.


Ok brother, “It has been corrected” my possible mistake. Now can you get it listed again? :pleading_face: