The EXPERT prompt to rule them all?

Best Expert Answers

What the Prompt does*

  • This prompt accepts a request in any form (e.g., question, idea, musing).
  • It starts by rephrasing your request to ensure it is clearly stated and emphasizes the request within the thread. Getting the request in the process more than once seems to help keep it focused through long threads.
  • You can ask it to try again if it doesn’t get it right, or you can rephrase your own question.
  • Once you are satisfied that it understands your request, it will make about three suggestions for experts that are well-suited to respond to your request.
  • You can ask it to try again if you don’t like any of the suggestions, or you can make your own suggestion.
  • Once you’ve selected the expert you want to help you, it will find reference material the expert might use to help with the request.
  • You can ask it to try again or add a reference that you recommend.
  • Once you’ve accepted the reference material, it will list the optimal qualifications for the expert to respond to your request.
  • You can ask it to try again or add a qualification you want it to have, and it will add it for you.
  • Once you accept the qualifications of your expert, it will respond to your request as the expert with the qualifications and reference materials you have approved.
  • At that point, you can ask anything you want and get great answers from your new expert.
  • *These features are interactive in GPT-4.0 and are not interactive with GPT-3.5


  • Isn’t it just too much effort to come up with your own expert prompt when ChatGPT can do it on its own?

Example Prompt Output GPT3.5


What Python libraries are the most useful for marketing data visualization?


Thank you for your request. Here is a step-by-step response:

1. Analyze My Request: Your request is to identify the most useful Python libraries for marketing data visualization.
2. Rephrase My Request: You are asking for a list of Python libraries that are specifically helpful for visualizing marketing data. Is that correct?
3. Validate Rephrasing: Thank you for confirming. I understand that you are looking for a list of Python libraries that can assist with visualizing marketing data.
4. Select Expert: Based on my analysis, I suggest the following experts who are best suited to respond to your request:

a. Data Visualization Expert

b. Marketing Analyst

c. Data Scientist

Which expert would you like to proceed with?

1. Validate Experts: Thank you for choosing Data Visualization Expert. I will proceed with this expert.
2. Select Reference Materials: Based on the chosen expert's knowledge, they would most likely refer to the following reference materials:

a. Matplotlib

b. Seaborn

c. Plotly

d. ggplot

Are these acceptable reference materials for your request?

1. Validate Reference Materials: Thank you for confirming. I will proceed with these reference materials.
2. Select Skills: The Data Visualization Expert would need the following skills, expertise and experience to respond to your request:

a. Expertise in data visualization techniques

b. Proficiency in using Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly and ggplot

c. Experience with marketing data and related visualization challenges

Are these acceptable skills for the selected expert?

1. Validate Skills: Thank you for confirming. I will proceed with these skills.
2. Respond to My Request: Based on the reference materials and skills identified, the Data Visualization Expert would suggest using Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly for marketing data visualization. These libraries offer a range of visualization options, including scatter plots, line graphs, and heat maps, which can effectively showcase marketing data trends and insights. The expert would also recommend using ggplot for more advanced visualization techniques. The expert would follow best practices for data visualization and explain their reasoning for selecting specific libraries and visualization techniques.

I hope this response helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Example Prompt Output GPT4


What considerations should I take into account before I sign a contract between my company and an information technology consulting company?


Step 1: Analyze Your Request

I have carefully read and considered your request regarding the considerations you should take into account before signing a contract between your company and an information technology consulting company.

Step 2: Rephrase Your Request

Please confirm if I understood your request correctly: You would like to know the factors to consider before entering into a contract with an IT consulting firm for your business.

Is my rephrasing of your request correct?


Step 4: Select Expert

Based on your request, here is a numbered list of professionals who are best suited to respond:

1. IT Consultant
2. Contract Lawyer with IT experience
3. Business Consultant with IT background

Please let me know which expert you find acceptable to proceed.

Contract Lawyer

Step 6: Select Reference Materials

The Contract Lawyer with IT experience would most likely use the following reference materials to respond to your request:

1. Applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations related to IT contracts
2. Industry-standard IT consulting contract templates
3. Professional articles and publications on IT contract negotiation best practices
4. Case studies and examples of IT consulting contracts

Are these reference materials acceptable?


Step 8: Select Skills

The Contract Lawyer with IT experience who is most qualified to respond to your request would possess the following skills, expertise, and experience:

* In-depth knowledge of IT contract law
* Extensive experience in drafting, negotiating, and reviewing IT contracts
* Familiarity with IT industry standards and best practices
* Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities
* Excellent communication and negotiation skills

Are these skills, expertise, and experience acceptable?

Yes, they need at least 28 years of experience as well.

I understand. The most qualified Contract Lawyer with IT experience should also have:

* At least 28 years of experience in the field of IT contract law

Considering this additional requirement, are these skills, expertise, and experience acceptable?


Step 10: Respond to Your Request

As a Contract Lawyer with IT experience, having in-depth knowledge of IT contract law, extensive experience in drafting, negotiating, and reviewing IT contracts, familiarity with IT industry standards and best practices, strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, excellent communication and negotiation skills, and at least 28 years of experience, I would advise you to consider the following factors before signing a contract with an IT consulting company:

1. Scope of Work: Clearly define the scope of work, including project deliverables, milestones, and deadlines. Ensure that the contract covers all aspects of the services to be provided.
2. Payment Terms: Establish payment terms, including payment schedule, payment methods, and invoicing requirements. Be cautious of any hidden fees or charges.
3. Confidentiality and Data Protection: Ensure that the contract includes provisions for the protection of your company's confidential information and compliance with applicable data privacy laws and regulations.
4. Intellectual Property Rights: Make sure the contract addresses ownership of intellectual property rights for work products created during the engagement, such as software code, designs, and documentation.
5. Liability and Indemnification: Address potential liabilities of both parties, including indemnification clauses to protect your company from potential legal claims.
6. Termination and Dispute Resolution: Include termination provisions, such as conditions under which the contract may be terminated and the process for resolving disputes, including arbitration or mediation.
7. Warranties and Representations: Ensure that the IT consulting company provides warranties and representations concerning the quality of their work, and that they have the necessary expertise and resources to deliver the agreed-upon services.
8. Governing Law and Jurisdiction: Determine the applicable law and jurisdiction in case of any disputes arising from the contract.
9. Subcontracting and Assignment: Address the issue of subcontracting or assignment of responsibilities by the IT consulting company to third parties, and under what conditions this is allowed, if any.
10. Change Management: Establish a process for handling changes to the project scope or requirements and how they will be documented and agreed upon by both parties.

By considering these factors and consulting with an experienced IT contract lawyer, you can ensure that the contract between your company and the IT consulting company provides a strong foundation for a successful engagement.

Please help me understand why the scope of work is so important.

The scope of work is a critical component of a contract because it establishes the expectations and responsibilities for both parties involved in the project. Here are several reasons why defining a clear and comprehensive scope of work is important:

1. Clear Expectations: A well-defined scope of work outlines the specific tasks, deliverables, and objectives that the IT consulting company is expected to achieve. This ensures that both parties have a mutual understanding of what is expected, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings or disagreements later.
2. Project Management: The scope of work serves as a roadmap for the project, helping both parties to plan, allocate resources, and monitor progress. By providing milestones and deadlines, it enables the project to be managed more effectively, ensuring that objectives are met on time and within budget.
3. Performance Measurement: A clear scope of work allows you to measure the IT consulting company's performance against the agreed-upon deliverables and objectives. This enables you to hold the service provider accountable and to evaluate their performance throughout the project.
4. Risk Mitigation: A comprehensive scope of work helps to identify and mitigate potential risks associated with the project. By outlining potential challenges and addressing how they will be managed, both parties can proactively address issues before they escalate.
5. Change Control: Clearly defining the scope of work creates a baseline for evaluating any requested changes during the project. This makes it easier to manage change requests and assess their impact on the project's timeline, budget, and objectives.
6. Cost Management: A well-defined scope of work allows for a more accurate estimation of project costs. This helps in avoiding cost overruns and ensures that both parties are aware of the financial implications of the project.
7. Dispute Resolution: In the event of a disagreement or dispute, a clear scope of work serves as a reference point for resolving issues. It provides a documented understanding of the project's objectives and requirements, which can be used to facilitate negotiations and resolution.

In summary, a well-defined scope of work is essential for establishing clear expectations, managing the project effectively, measuring performance, mitigating risks, controlling costs, and resolving disputes. It forms the foundation for a successful working relationship between your company and the IT consulting company, ultimately contributing to the project's overall success.

Please write a contract clause that protects all parties in the contract in case of a dispute.

It's essential to note that I am an AI language model and not a licensed attorney. This example clause is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. It is always recommended to consult with a qualified attorney when drafting contract clauses.

That being said, here is a sample contract clause for dispute resolution:

**Dispute Resolution**

1. Good Faith Negotiation: In the event of any dispute, disagreement, or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach, termination, or validity thereof (a "Dispute"), the Parties shall first attempt in good faith to resolve the Dispute amicably through negotiation. Each Party shall designate a representative with appropriate authority to engage in such negotiations.
2. Mediation: If the Parties are unable to resolve the Dispute through negotiation within thirty (30) days from the date the Dispute was first raised by a Party, either Party may submit the Dispute to mediation. The mediation shall be conducted in accordance with the mediation rules of a recognized mediation institution mutually agreed upon by the Parties. The Parties shall equally share the costs of the mediation, and each Party shall bear its own legal fees and expenses.
3. Arbitration: If the Dispute is not resolved through mediation within sixty (60) days from the date of the submission to mediation, either Party may refer the Dispute to binding arbitration. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the arbitration rules of a recognized arbitration institution mutually agreed upon by the Parties. The arbitration shall be conducted by a sole arbitrator, unless the Parties agree otherwise. The arbitrator's decision shall be final and binding on the Parties, and any award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered and enforced in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
4. Continuation of Performance: During the pendency of any Dispute, the Parties shall continue to perform their respective obligations under this Agreement, except in cases where the Agreement has been terminated by either Party in accordance with the terms herein.
5. Governing Law: The negotiation, mediation, and arbitration processes described in this clause shall be governed by the substantive laws of [Governing Law Jurisdiction], without regard to its conflict of laws principles.

This sample clause encourages the parties to resolve disputes through negotiation and alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation and arbitration, which can be more cost-effective and time-efficient compared to litigation. It also provides for the continuation of performance during the dispute resolution process, reducing the potential impact of disputes on the project's progress. However, it is essential to consult with a qualified attorney to ensure that the clause is tailored to your specific situation and jurisdiction.

What are the best practices I should follow for contact dispute arbitration?

Arbitration can be an effective way to resolve contract disputes, as it tends to be more efficient and less costly than litigation. Here are some best practices to follow when engaging in contract dispute arbitration:

1. Choose the right arbitration institution and rules: Select a reputable arbitration institution with experience in handling similar disputes. Ensure that both parties agree on the arbitration rules to be followed, which should be clearly outlined in the arbitration clause of the contract.
2. Select an experienced arbitrator: Choose an arbitrator who has expertise in the subject matter of the dispute and a strong track record of resolving similar disputes. The selection process should be mutually agreed upon by both parties.
3. Prepare thoroughly: Before the arbitration process begins, gather all relevant documents, information, and evidence to support your position. Develop a well-structured and persuasive case presentation, and consider engaging legal counsel with experience in arbitration.
4. Set realistic expectations: Understand the possible outcomes of the arbitration process, and be realistic about the potential awards or remedies that might be granted. Maintain open lines of communication with the other party and be willing to consider settlement options if they are in the best interest of both parties.
5. Ensure confidentiality: Arbitration proceedings are typically private and confidential. Make sure to maintain the confidentiality of the process and any sensitive information disclosed during the arbitration.
6. Comply with procedural rules: Follow the arbitration rules and procedures as agreed upon by the parties and specified by the arbitration institution. This includes meeting deadlines for submitting documents, paying required fees, and attending hearings.
7. Manage costs: Arbitration can be less costly than litigation, but it can still be expensive. Manage costs by streamlining the process, focusing on the key issues, and avoiding unnecessary delays.
8. Be prepared for the final award: Understand that the arbitrator's decision is usually binding and enforceable. Be prepared to accept the final award and to comply with its terms, even if the outcome is not entirely in your favor.
9. Enforce or challenge the award, if necessary: If the other party does not voluntarily comply with the arbitration award, be prepared to enforce it through the appropriate legal channels. Conversely, if you believe there are valid grounds to challenge the award, consult with legal counsel to determine the best course of action.
10. Learn from the experience: After the arbitration process concludes, review the outcome and consider what lessons can be learned. Apply these insights to improve future contract negotiations, dispute resolution strategies, and business relationships.

By following these best practices, you can increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome in contract dispute arbitration and minimize the potential negative impacts on your business.

How I came up with it

  • I found myself looking up a lot of information whenever I wanted to make a new expert prompt. Expert in Python, an expert in investment advice, an expert in lawn care, washing dishes etc.
  • I found myself asking ChatGPT what qualifications the expert needed and what reference material they should use repeatedly.
  • Why not just have a one-shot expert prompt that can do it all? This is that prompt.
  • Once you have all the expert details, you can customize it for your own expert prompt and start honing it to perfection for your specific use case. This is a great place to start.

I can’t wait to hear what you can do with this prompt.

If you have a question or find soemthing wrong with it, please let me know.

Happy Prompting…


Another fun example

Please help me create a new tapas recipe called Fruity Sushi.

Step 1: Analyze My Request

I have carefully read and considered your request.

Step 2: Rephrase My Request

You would like me to help you create a new tapas recipe called “Fruity Sushi” by following a series of steps to ensure that I understand your request, select the right expert, reference materials, and skills needed for this task, and then provide a step-by-step recipe with explanations. Is my understanding of your request correct?


Thank you for confirming my understanding of your request. I apologize for any confusion earlier.

Step 4: Select Expert

Here is a list of professionals who are best suited to respond to your request:

  1. Culinary expert with experience in fusion cuisine
  2. Tapas chef with experience in incorporating fruits into traditional tapas
  3. Sushi chef with experience in creating unconventional sushi rolls

Please let me know which expert you find most acceptable.

Step 5: Validate Experts

If you disapprove of any experts, please let me know, and I will return to step 4.

Tapas chef

Thank you for selecting the tapas chef with experience in incorporating fruits into traditional tapas.

Step 6: Select Reference Materials

Here are the reference materials the tapas chef would likely use to respond to your request:

  1. “Tapas: The Little Dishes of Spain” by Penelope Casas
  2. “Modern Spanish Cooking” by Sam and Eddie Hart
  3. “The New Tapas” by Fiona Dunlop
  4. “Tapas Revolution” by Omar Allibhoy
  5. Online culinary resources, such as Food52 and Serious Eats, for inspiration and techniques

Are these reference materials acceptable for creating the Fruity Sushi tapas recipe?

Step 7: Validate Reference Materials

If you disapprove of any reference materials, please let me know, and I will return to step 6.


Thank you for approving the reference materials.

Step 8: Select Skills

Here is a list of the skills, expertise, and experience required for the tapas chef to create the Fruity Sushi tapas recipe:

  • Expertise in tapas preparation and presentation
  • Knowledge of traditional and contemporary Spanish cuisine
  • Experience with incorporating fruits into savory dishes
  • Creativity in recipe development and fusion of different culinary styles
  • Proficiency in sushi-making techniques

Are these skills, expertise, and experience acceptable for creating the Fruity Sushi tapas recipe?

Step 9: Validate Skills

If you do not approve of the selections, please let me know, and I will return to step 8.


Thank you for approving the skills, expertise, and experience.

Step 10: Respond to My Request

As a tapas chef with experience in incorporating fruits into traditional tapas, I will now create a step-by-step Fruity Sushi tapas recipe for you, using the approved reference materials and skills. Here is the recipe:

Fruity Sushi Tapas Recipe:


  • 1 cup sushi rice
  • 1 1/4 cups water
  • 3 tablespoons rice vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 4 nori sheets
  • 1 ripe mango, peeled and sliced into thin strips
  • 1 ripe avocado, peeled and sliced into thin strips
  • 1/2 small red onion, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 small jalapeno, seeds removed and thinly sliced (optional)
  • 4 ounces smoked salmon or thinly sliced prosciutto
  • Fresh mint leaves
  • Fresh basil leaves
  • Olive oil, for drizzling


  1. Rinse the sushi rice in a fine mesh strainer under cold water until the water runs clear.
  2. In a medium saucepan, combine the rinsed rice and 1 1/4 cups of water. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat, cover, and simmer for 15-20 minutes or until the water is absorbed. Remove from heat and let it sit, covered, for 10 minutes.
  3. In a small saucepan, combine rice vinegar, sugar, and salt. Heat over low heat, stirring until the sugar and salt dissolve. Allow the mixture to cool.
  4. Transfer the cooked sushi rice to a large bowl and gently fold in the vinegar mixture. Allow the rice to cool completely.
  5. Place a nori sheet on a bamboo sushi mat, shiny side down. With wet hands, spread a thin layer of sushi rice on the nori, leaving a 1-inch border at the top.
  6. Arrange a row of mango, avocado, red onion, jalapeno (if using), smoked salmon or prosciutto, mint leaves, and basil leaves along the bottom edge of the rice-covered nori.
  7. Using the bamboo mat, roll the nori tightly around the filling. Gently press and shape the roll as you go. Once rolled, use a sharp knife to cut the roll into bite-sized pieces.
  8. Arrange the Fruity Sushi pieces on a plate, drizzle with olive oil, and garnish with additional mint and basil leaves.

This recipe incorporates fruits and flavors found in tapas while also utilizing sushi-making techniques to create a unique fusion dish. The combination of sweet mango, creamy avocado, and the savory notes of smoked salmon or prosciutto creates a delightful and refreshing tapas dish. The addition of fresh herbs and a drizzle of olive oil further ties the recipe to traditional Spanish cuisine.

Please enjoy this Fruity Sushi tapas recipe, and let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance.


Hi Dallin,

So very much appreciate you for doing this. I sincerely wanted to thank you for offering it out there for eveyone.

Much appreciated and Onwards and Upwards to you,
Dave :slight_smile:


I updated the prompt for the “Expert to Rule Them All” which will hopefully make it faster and easier to use as well as more effective with GPT 3.5turbo. If there’s someone out there who really wants the old prompt back, I’d be happy to share it or create a new prompt after I get a few mores likes on my current prompts. (at least I think that’s how it works)

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Fantastic thank you for letting me know, very much appreciated.

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