Unable to use the ChatGPT prompt

I created a pro/premium account, I forget what it’s called, and then was told after 4 questions that i reached my limit. I followed all the links and gave all the approvals and info required, confirmed everythign, connected everytihng. wat’s going on? why do i get less use out of chatgpt after paying than before?

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Hi @ylnprm , the message you’re seeing is actually related to AIPRM, not your ChatGPT Plus subscription. AIPRM and ChatGPT are two separate services. Your ChatGPT Plus subscription doesn’t automatically extend to AIPRM’s features. The prompt limit you’re hitting is specific to AIPRM’s free plan. The free AIPRM plan has daily prompt limits to ensure fair usage and maintain service quality.
To resolve this, you have a couple of options:

  1. Wait until the limit resets to send more prompts using AIPRM.
  2. Consider upgrading your AIPRM account to a premium plan. This would increase your daily prompt limit and unlock additional features.

I like having Aiprm, but is there a way to stop all the pop ups that come up every time I launch or use ChatGpt?

It’s really annoying that I’m asked to thumbs up and thumbs down everytime, even if I’ve already clicked it before

And the constant “Wow you use a lot of prompts” /“You’re almost out of prompts”/“You’re out of prompts” Popups that block the entire window are getting to the point of being annoying enough that I’m about ready to uninstall it

The green banner you see on the AIPRM UI appears whenever there are important announcements, news, tips, and promotions.

Rest assured that the banner shall go away a few seconds after you vote thumbs up/down.

As mentioned above, the message you get about the prompt limit you’re hitting is specific to AIPRM’s free plan. The free AIPRM plan has daily prompt limits to ensure fair usage and maintain service quality .

To resolve this, you can either wait until the limit resets to send more prompts using AIPRM or consider upgrading your AIPRM account to a premium plan.

You can check out the available AIPRM plans at Pricing of AIPRM Premium Plans · AIPRM

I was charged $20 and when I went to chat GPT to use it it’s still saying that I’m not able to use it because I used up my prompts for the day what did I pay $20 for

If you indeed subscribed to any of our paid plans, kindly send us a message at hello@aiprm.com using the email address that is linked to your subscription so we can check and assist you further.

Please note that AIPRM and ChatGPT are two separate services:

  • ChatGPT Plus is a subscription offered by OpenAI for their ChatGPT service.
  • AIPRM for ChatGPT is a browser extension that adds features to ChatGPT, but it’s a separate product with its own plans and limits.

Your ChatGPT Plus subscription doesn’t automatically extend to AIPRM’s features. The prompt limit you’re hitting is specific to AIPRM’s free plan.

I don’t understand why I am paying the monthly fee and am limited in my interaction with chatGPT.
I interact 10 times and I get “You have reached the maximum number of prompts you can send per day”.
Why is this happening?

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You may refer to the same posts above


Please, what can i do?, i made seven promtps today and i cant do more.

To resolve this, you have a couple of options:

  1. Wait until the limit resets to send more prompts using AIPRM.
  2. Consider upgrading your AIPRM account to a premium plan. This would increase your daily prompt limit and unlock additional features.

You can check out the available AIPRM plans at https://www.aiprm.com/pricing/.

What is the daily limit for each plan?

The number of prompts you can send on a free AIPRM plan may vary based on demand. Currently, these limits apply only to the free plan.

This means that subscribing to any of our premium plans will lift the restriction on the number of prompt templates you can use in a day.

Can you please send a message to our main support channel at hello@aiprm.com using the email address that is linked to your AIPRM subscription so we can check your account? Feel free to include screenshots or a screen recording of what you see on your end for further clarification of the issue.

What if I don’t want to use AIPRM and just use Chat GPT? I don’t want to pay $40 between the two as I don’t use it much. What do I do?

May we ask what has prompted your decision to stop using the AIPRM for ChatGPT extension?

You may temporarily disable the AIPRM extension from your browser to use the default version of ChatGPT. If you wish to uninstall AIPRM from your browser, please follow these steps:

I am paying for my Chat GPT - why am I limited? It seems like I’m paying for nothing at this point

Hello, Please note that, your ChatGPT Plus subscription doesn’t automatically extend to AIPRM’s features. The prompt limit you’re hitting is specific to AIPRM’s free plan. The free AIPRM plan has daily prompt limits to ensure fair usage and maintain service quality.

The number of prompts you can send may vary based on demand. Currently, these limits apply only to the free plan.
To resolve this, you have a couple of options:

  1. Wait until the limit resets to send more prompts using AIPRM.
  2. Consider upgrading your AIPRM account to a premium plan. This would increase your daily prompt limit and unlock additional features. For more questions, send an email hello@aiprm.org. Thanks.

I find your answers to previous questions on this topic to be incomplete and lacking. Let me reframe the question in an attempt to solicit a more complete answer.

I am a ChatGPT “Plus” paid subscriber. I received a message stating I have reached the maximum number of prompts for the day. I understand this is related to AIPRM.

If I delete AIPRM, am I limited to a certain number of prompts per day?

How do I disable AIPRM so I can continue working??

Do I have to pay for GPT and again for AIPRM to make this work?

Sure, let me explain this in detail for you.

The message you’re seeing is actually related to AIPRM, not your ChatGPT Plus subscription. AIPRM and ChatGPT are two separate services:

  1. ChatGPT Plus is a subscription offered by OpenAI for their ChatGPT service.
  2. AIPRM for ChatGPT is a browser extension that adds features to ChatGPT, but it’s a separate product with its own plans and limits.

Your ChatGPT Plus subscription doesn’t automatically extend to AIPRM’s features. The prompt limit you’re hitting is specific to AIPRM’s free plan.

The free AIPRM plan has daily prompt limits to ensure fair usage and maintain service quality.

The number of prompts you can send may vary based on demand. Currently, these limits apply only to the free plan.

To resolve this, you have a couple of options:

  1. Wait until the limit resets to send more prompts using AIPRM.
  2. Consider upgrading your AIPRM account to a premium plan. This would increase your daily prompt limit and unlock additional features.

You can check out the available AIPRM plans at Pricing of AIPRM Premium Plans · AIPRM

If you are interested in removing AIPRM then please follow the steps available at the link below.

If you have any further questions about AIPRM’s features, plans, or how it works with ChatGPT, please don’t hesitate to ask. Thanks

Hi everyone. I’m putting this here just as a note as to why I removed the AIPRM from my ChatGPT. I was using ChatGPT as normal today, only a very few prompts put in, like maybe ten or something and normally when I use it, I put in a lot more than that and never received the error message that I had used all my prompts for the day. The message did not say it was from AIPRM, so I had to waste my time and first go look at my Plus subscription to see if it had changed to some low number of prompts per day and it had not. Then I had to Google the issue just to find out it was AIPRM leaving that stupid message. So, I removed AIPRM and I can now prompt on ChatGPT as normal.

First of all, this is ridiculous, as I am paying for a monthly subscription and having AIPRM interfere with my subscription was a real pain in the a$$. Next, not putting the fact that it is AIPRM who was trying to limit my prompts made me have to waste time looking for the answer to my problem. I’m not paying for AIPRM and ChatGPT, that’s just stupid and nothing AIPRM has is worth that extra expense. So, just letting you know. I am but one “customer” or “user” of AIPRM but I will bet you that many others who have been through this experience feel the same way but just never bothered to let you know why they left.