Uninstall AIPRM from ChatGPT

I want to complletly unistall aiprm from my gpt-I has replaced the settings and my archieved chats - I need access to them

Thank you in advance

To remove the AIPRM Chrome extension, you can follow the steps here - https://help.aiprm.com/hc/en-us/articles/14178535809681-How-to-remove-AIPRM.

Please note that AIPRM does not “replace settings” or “archived chats” in any way. AIPRM and OpenAI are separate entities. As a result, we are unable to assist directly with ChatGPT related issues.
If you are having issues accessing your chat history, we highly recommend contacting the OpenAI Support Team directly.


I have already uninstall the extention before I wrote my question, I knew how to do that…But 7 days ago I got a notification if I wanted to intergrate aiprm inside my chatgpt something like that…and I said yes. Since then the location (down left) where the settings were it has been replaced with aiprm community forum link & aiprm powered for Chatgpt links… Now yesterday night I found the setting for chatgpt & my archieved chats But I still want to completly remove aiprm from inside my chatgpt … After I have completly remove it I will use it through the extention as I was previously doing… Thank you in advance.

Currently, AIPRM for ChatGPT is only available as a browser extension.

The movement of the “Settings” menu (and archived chats in there) might be related to the new ChatGPT UI. It is now moved to the top right corner and is accessible when you click on the avatar/profile icon. Note that this is not related to or caused by the AIPRM extension.

In case you encounter any further issues, send us screenshots or a screen recording of what you see on your end for better clarification of the problem. You may also email them to our main support channel at hello@aiprm.com.

Hello, I would like to completely disable aiprm from chatgpt. I took the paid version of chatgpt and at any time aiprm sends me notifications to switch to aiprm pro otherwise it limits my discussions with chatgpt 4. Thanks

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To remove the AIPRM Chrome extension, you can follow the steps here - https://help.aiprm.com/hc/en-us/articles/14178535809681-How-to-remove-AIPRM