🚨 Urgent: Required AIPRM Upgrade to v1.1.10.12 or newer!

You MUST upgrade to the version or newer to continue using AIPRM seamlessly.

Google has approved this version, but may roll out this version with up to two weeks of delay to your browser.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to upgrade faster:

If you are using the Google Chrome Browser,

  • Click “Add to Chrome” and then confirm.

It’s crucial to upgrade now for AIPRM to function.

If you are using the Microsoft Edge Browser,

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to upgrade faster in Edge:

  • Click “Get” and then confirm.

It’s crucial to upgrade now for AIPRM to function.

For your information:

This is the same version that we provided as a fix only two hours to everyone via the forum.aiprm.com
(here is the full thread) after it broke on September 16.

In the future please make sure you always checkout the forum.aiprm.com where we spot and help with outages very fast. The longest delay for everyone to receive new versions automatically are security audits by Google and an automated deployment system that can take weeks until everyone has the new version.

Don’t miss out on uninterrupted service!


A post was merged into an existing topic: [SOLVED IN] AIPRM UI broken by ChatGPT Update September 16, 2023

Thanks for shearing, it works now



Thank you, immensely for your expedient response. Your decision to mark the email as URGENT was a wise one, as it drew my immediate attention amidst a crowded inbox. Furthermore, I’m impressed with the speed and skill with which you’ve navigated the complex interplay between the recent ChatGPT site updates and your extension.



Cannot install - says “Invalid manifest” in extension store.

Can you please post your Chrome version and Operating System version? Can you try updating your Chrome browser?

The system worked well and it was already updated. Thank you very much for your responses.

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How I can fix this now it’s latest version as you mentioned above.

Apologies for the inconvenience. Something new is coming for AIPRM for ChatGPT. The scheduled maintenance for the upgrade has begun: