Why aiprm not working on chatgpt?

A post was merged into an existing topic: AIPRM UI broken by ChatGPT Update September 16, 2023

A post was merged into an existing topic: AIPRM UI broken by ChatGPT Update September 16, 2023

A post was merged into an existing topic: AIPRM UI broken by ChatGPT Update September 16, 2023

A post was merged into an existing topic: AIPRM UI broken by ChatGPT Update September 16, 2023

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: AIPRM UI broken by ChatGPT Update September 16, 2023

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: AIPRM UI broken by ChatGPT Update September 16, 2023

A post was merged into an existing topic: AIPRM UI broken by ChatGPT Update September 16, 2023

A post was merged into an existing topic: AIPRM UI broken by ChatGPT Update September 16, 2023

Hello, my aiprm is not working on Chatgpt currently.

Sorry to hear that. Can you please verify if you have the latest version of AIPRM for ChatGPT (

My Version When I login the prompts show up but then completely disappear.

it’s possible that the issue you’re experiencing could be related to a possible conflict with another extension that’s running parallel to AIPRM. We recommend checking for any extensions that could potentially conflict with AIPRM and disabling them temporarily to see if this resolves the issue:

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When this problem not working AIPRM Extention just remove and install again its working solves easily.

A post was merged into an existing topic: ChatGPT Outage on Nov 8th, 9th

A post was merged into an existing topic: ChatGPT Outages on November 8 & November 9, 2023

Prompts are taking too much time to provide content? what’s the issue?

Same, I’ve been getting the same error messages for the last couple of days

Are people still getting this error messge?

Please try to follow these recommendations and troubleshooting steps:

ALL of my prompts disappeared. I’ve tried reinstalling a hundred times. I don’t understand where my prompts went.

Provide details:

  • Extension version
  • Screenshots/video + Console tab opened (Right-click and “Inspect”).