AIPRM is not recognizing my email as a Plus Account


When I enter into AIPRM, and see my account, it recognizes me as a Plus Account with capability to upgrade.

But in the lower left part it says that I have to upgrade my plan, when I click there I am recognized as a Free Account

Also in my mobile AIPRM app, it recognizes me as a free account.
I have problems to use my account continuously.

What can I do, there’s no direct help desk to reset this!

Please verify if your ChatGPT OpenAI account is connected to the correct AIPRM account and displays the correct AIPRM Account Level by clicking on the “Your AIPRM Account” link in ChatGPT.

If you find that the current AIPRM account is not the correct one, disconnect the current AIPRM account and log in with the correct AIPRM account. Then, connect your OpenAI and AIPRM accounts again.

Note that the “Upgrade plan” that you see on the lower left-hand side of the ChatGPT page is for the ChatGPT subscription offered by OpenAI.

AIPRM and OpenAI are separate entities. ChatGPT is operated by OpenAI Inc. while AIPRM is operated by AIPRM, Corp.

Moreover, please note that we don’t have a mobile app yet.

If the issue persists, kindly send us screenshots or a screen recording of what you see on your end at using the email address that is linked to your AIPRM subscription so we can assist you further

Thanks Miguel, regretfully the problem is still happenning. I already wrote to the email you provided.
Best regards

Alfonso Bouroncle

Thank you for letting us know. We have already responded to your message through our main support channel. Please check your inbox and feel free to email us back if you have any further questions or concerns.