Contest: Win $5000 for your best ChatGPT Prompt! 🏆

Hey hey AIPRM Community!

We’re launching something new and we’re excited for you to get involved.

I’m thrilled to announce our new contest: AI Prompts for Small Business Success!

Over the next four weeks, we invite you to channel your creativity, technical skills, and understanding of small business challenges into creating innovative ChatGPT prompts for our community and the AIPRM Chrome extension library.

Last day to enter: Friday, July 7th, 2023

Winners will be announced on Monday, July 17th, 2023.

By participating, not only will you get a chance to win exciting prizes, but you will also be contributing to an invaluable resource for small business owners, helping them leverage the power of AI to solve their everyday problems.

Contest Prizes:

We’ve curated an array of prizes that we hope you’ll find exciting:

Grand Prize:

$5,000 Cash

Community Prizes:

  1. A High-Quality Mechanical Keyboard
  2. A Virtual Escape Room Experience
  3. Noise-canceling Headphones
  4. A DIY Robotics Kit
  5. A Retro Gaming Console

Contest Rules:

To participate, you must be a member of the AIPRM Community Forum and submit your entries on the forum. We encourage you to share the contest with your colleagues, friends, and other online communities.

Each entry MUST be submitted to Promote your AIPRM Prompt topic category with a topic tag of contest_1 and be 100% English, like everything in AIPRM.

Each entry needs to include:

  1. A description of your prompt:

• What does it do?
• Who is it for?
• The pain point the prompt is designed to solve.
• Example outputs demonstrating that the prompt works.

  1. A link from the AIPRM Prompt Library to your created prompt.

You can submit multiple entries, but can only win one prize. Entries must be original and not infringe on any intellectual property rights.

Note: Multiple entries ONLY possible after 5 upvotes on your 1st prompt entry. These should be a separate topic in Promote your AIPRM Prompt

Grand Prize Judgment Criteria:

  1. Relevance to Small Business Needs: The prompt should address a common problem or pain point faced by small businesses, providing a practical solution that can be easily implemented.

  2. Creativity and Originality: The prompt should demonstrate a unique and creative approach to solving the identified problem, showcasing the participant’s innovation and ability to think outside the box.

  3. Clarity and Usability: The prompt should be clearly defined, easy to understand, and include all necessary variables for a wide range of use cases. This ensures that the prompt can be effortlessly integrated into the AIRPM’s Chrome Extension Library and used by small business owners and marketers with minimal guidance.

  4. Quality of Example Outputs: The submitted example outputs should effectively demonstrate the prompt’s functionality and ability to solve the identified problem. Example outputs should be clear, concise, and display a high level of accuracy in addressing the pain point.

  5. Scalability and Adaptability: The prompt should be designed in a way that allows it to be easily adapted to various small business contexts and industries, maximizing its potential impact and applicability across a diverse range of small business needs.

  6. Potential Impact: The prompt should have a clear potential to positively impact small businesses, either by streamlining operations, improving decision-making, enhancing communication, or solving other critical challenges faced by small business owners.

Community Judgment Criteria:

Prompt Usage: The prompt submission that’s used most in the library will win a prize.

Prompt Shares: The top two prompts that are shared the most from the library will win a prize.

Community Forum Likes: The top two prompts that receive the most likes in the community forum will win a prize.

Anyone can enter! Never written a prompt before? Check out these resources and get started with your prompt engineering:

At the end of the contest, six winners will be chosen — 1 selected by our company, and 5 chosen by the community through voting on the forum. The community forum members will vote in this thread with their likes.

We encourage you to share, link to, and promote your prompts via any channel! Share on social media, via your website, Facebook Groups, Discord Channels, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, or wherever you feel like your prompts will be helpful and your network will support you!

We look forward to seeing your creative prompts and the innovative ways you can help small businesses thrive with AI. Let’s get started!

:warning: No legal recourse. Prize awarded at sole discretion of AIPRM, Corp. :warning:

Best of luck,



Wow! This is great!!


Whoa! Can’t wait to try my hand at a few prompts and vote for others. :fire: :fire: :fire:


Awesome contest! ALL of the prizes sound great for either my family, myself, or a member on my team! Lets do this! - May the best prompt(s) win :+1:t2:


Definitely excited to see what everyone comes up with. Should be a fun few weeks! :fire:


Should prompts that we’d like to be entered into the contest be posted directly within this thread??


Super excited. The real winner is us in the community getting a ton of useful prompts. We all win! :trophy:


Welcome to the AIPRM Community!

You can follow the steps in this guide for creating a public prompt.

Once you’ve created your prompt you can drop the link to it in this thread for submission.

Good luck! :trophy:


To add to this, @Man_ontheMoon @Aaron_Johnson
it’s also good practice to describe your prompt, with examples in this category

Promote your AIPRM Prompt

following this template

It helps users better understand your prompt,
and then of course will use them more,
and then of course you’ll have better chances :slight_smile:


Hy, AIPRM extension with chat gpt is a very important tool that helps you with your daily problem, and questions. like related to website development, management, SEO, sem, marketing, software engineering, and many more.


I have used ChatGPT for about 2 months. It is a useful AI tool for all kinds of document work. I like this. I suggest that please update ChatGPT by 2023. So that the existing material can also be used.

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great and excellent job done

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Hello everyone! ChatGPT is a huge help for me on my job, and aiprm is a great extension for it. It’s a great idea to make a prompt contest))


A post was split to a new topic: Marketing Success Tips and Strategies

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Out-of-rules contest prompts

I have been using chat gpt for 3 months using AIPRM and it has been a very useful user. Thank you for your quality efforts.


Super excited about this.

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Not a good idea to make ChatGPT generate a prompt for you, instead of which you are supposed to generate the prompt for it.

Prompt Engineering is the field that shouldn’t be replaced by AI, because it’s made for AI.

It should only help you.

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A post was split to a new topic: Out-of-rules contest prompts