God Mode - Prompt Creator for ChatGPT!

Hi I’m so glad to be part of this awesome community. I would love to share this prompt with you! You can now use ChatGPT to create rather comprehensive prompts for your copywriting needs in ChatGPT. all you need to do is to type START to start the generator. It works on a basis of you providing a basic prompt such as [write me a 500-word article on SEO for beginners] where it will then start generating a prompt for you and asking questions at the end to get more information from you to fine tune the prompt. Once you answer the questions it will then regenerate the prompt to include the new information gained from your answers. This process will continue until you say “I am done” Now you have created a prompt which you can copy and then paste into a new chat to see the magic! I found this prompt somewhere in a forum and thought it best to share it with this community in this form. I am not the original author of this prompt and cannot remember who it was but a Big SHOUTOUT to who ever came up with it.

God Mode - Prompt Creator for ChatGPT

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Can you provide (edit post) some examples for the prompt use cases, to magically comprehend the exaggerated name of the prompt (‘God Mode’) ?


I also find that the description is very generic and doesn’t follow our guidelines for this category.

About the Promote your AIPRM Prompt category

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He should have used chatGPT to rewrite his intro. I wrote a quick prompt asking the bot to rewrite the article using bullet points to highlight the steps you take to get the perfect prompt.

AIPRM ChatGPT Response

This paragraph talks about a tool called ChatGPT that can generate prompts for your writing needs. Here are the steps to use it:

  1. Type “START” to start the generator.
  2. Provide a basic prompt, such as “write me a 500-word article on SEO for beginners”.
  3. ChatGPT will generate a prompt and ask you questions at the end to refine it.
  4. Answer the questions, and ChatGPT will regenerate the prompt to include your new information.
  5. This process will continue until you say “I am done”.
  6. You can copy and paste the final prompt into a new chat.
  7. The author found this prompt on a forum and wanted to share it with the community.

In short, ChatGPT is a tool that can help you generate prompts for your writing needs, and it works by asking you questions and refining the prompt based on your answers.

I would give credit to the prompt author and paste the prompt ID I used to generate the response above but the AIPRM ChatGPT App does not provide this information after you prompt it. Seems like it would be handy to have the prompt name or number along with the author in the chat window with ability to like or save it. The problem is, once you prompt it’s impossible to tell what author or prompt you are using. Perhaps it’s something that is in the pipeline!



Here’s a another example for better structure

I’ve also added a template for all posts in this category now.

I used the god mode - prompt creator for ChatGPT to test it out.
I think it is useful because it provides additional questions related to the prompt you are attempting to create which is really useful insight and helps cut the time out of prepping for your prompt writing session. Less research, more time for fine tuning.

Below is the entire convo I had with the BOT.

write me a 500-word article on SEO for beginners

Great! I’d be happy to help you create a prompt for an article on SEO for beginners.

Revised Prompt: Write a 500-word article that provides an introduction to SEO for beginners. The article should cover the basics of what SEO is, why it’s important, and how it works. It should also provide practical tips for beginners on how to optimize their website for search engines.

Suggestions: To improve the prompt, it would be helpful to have more specific information about the target audience. Who are the beginners you’re trying to reach? Are they business owners who want to improve their website’s visibility? Students who are just starting to learn about digital marketing? Depending on the audience, the tone and level of technical detail in the article may need to be adjusted.


  1. Who is the target audience for this article?
  2. What is the main goal of the article? Are you hoping to provide a broad overview of SEO or give actionable tips that beginners can implement?
  3. Are there any specific topics or areas of SEO that you would like the article to cover? For example, keyword research, on-page optimization, or link building?

1.Shopify shop owners, 2. The main goal is to provide the top 10 steps owners can take to improve their organic SEO. 3. focus on topics that will improve their organic seo optimizations

Revised Prompt: Write a 500-word article that provides the top 10 actionable steps for Shopify shop owners to improve their organic SEO. The article should cover specific topics that will help shop owners optimize their website for search engines and improve their organic search rankings.

Suggestions: To improve the prompt, it would be helpful to provide some context around the target audience’s level of familiarity with SEO. Are these shop owners who are completely new to SEO and have no prior knowledge of it? Or are they somewhat familiar with SEO but need more guidance on how to improve their organic rankings? This information will help to determine the appropriate level of technical detail and complexity for the article.


  1. Do the Shopify shop owners have any specific industry or niche focus, or is the advice more general?

  2. Would you like the article to focus on on-page optimization, off-page optimization, or a combination of both?

  3. Are there any particular SEO tools or resources that you would like the article to reference or recommend?

  4. The specific intent of the article is to provide Shopify Store Owners in particular with tips on optimizing their Shopify Stores organic SEO, 2. The article should focus on tips related to on-page optimization, 3.The article should provide insights into what SEO optimizations are already in place for SHopify Store Owners and how these default options can be optimized

Revised Prompt: Write a 500-word article that provides Shopify store owners with actionable tips for optimizing their on-page SEO. The article should focus on specific optimizations that can be implemented on Shopify stores to improve their organic search rankings. It should also provide insights into the default SEO options that are available for Shopify store owners and how they can be optimized for better results.

Suggestions: To improve the prompt, it would be helpful to provide some additional context on the level of technical expertise of the target audience. Are these Shopify store owners who are completely new to SEO and need step-by-step guidance? Or are they somewhat familiar with SEO but need more advanced tips and techniques to improve their rankings?


  1. Are there any specific on-page optimizations that you would like the article to focus on, such as optimizing product pages or meta descriptions?

  2. Would you like the article to provide guidance on keyword research and how to identify the right keywords for a Shopify store?

  3. How important is backlink building for Shopify store owners, and would you like the article to provide any guidance on this topic?

  4. The article should discuss optimizing product pages and meta descriptions but should not be limited to just these concepts., 2. The article should provide suggestions for keyword research along with other guidance related to optimising their Shopify Store for Organic SEO., 3. Backlinking is a different topic so the article should not focus on it. The article should provide a link to another article that specifically focusses on backlink strategy

Revised Prompt: Write a 500-word article that provides Shopify store owners with actionable tips for optimizing their on-page SEO. The article should cover various on-page optimizations, including optimizing product pages and meta descriptions, and provide guidance on keyword research and other optimizations that can be implemented on Shopify stores to improve their organic search rankings. The article should also include a link to another article that focuses specifically on backlinking strategies.

Suggestions: To improve the prompt, it would be helpful to provide some information on the target audience’s goals and objectives. For example, are they looking to increase traffic to their Shopify store, improve their rankings for specific keywords, or boost their overall visibility on search engines? Understanding the target audience’s goals can help to tailor the advice in the article accordingly.


  1. Are there any specific keyword research tools or resources that you would like the article to reference or recommend?

  2. How much emphasis would you like the article to place on technical SEO considerations, such as page speed and site structure?

  3. Are there any common on-page SEO mistakes that you would like the article to address and provide guidance on how to avoid?

  4. List the top 5 keyword tools based on popularity and user feedback., Provide a list that prioritizes the considerations a Shopify Store Owner, build the list from most important to least important. You can exceed the 500 word limitation for the article to satisfy this requirement., 3. Include a list of common SEO mistakes and provide guidance on how to avoid them. You can exceed the 500 word limitation for the article to satisfy this requirement.

Revised Prompt:

Write a 500-word article that provides Shopify store owners with actionable tips for optimizing their on-page SEO. The article should cover various on-page optimizations, including optimizing product pages and meta descriptions, and provide guidance on keyword research and other optimizations that can be implemented on Shopify stores to improve their organic search rankings. The article should also include a link to another article that focuses specifically on backlinking strategies. Additionally, the article should provide a list of the top 5 keyword research tools, prioritize the considerations a Shopify store owner should make when optimizing their SEO, and include a list of common SEO mistakes and guidance on how to avoid them.

Suggestions: To improve the prompt, it would be helpful to provide some context on the target audience’s level of technical expertise and familiarity with SEO. Are these Shopify store owners who are new to SEO and need more basic guidance, or are they more advanced users who are looking for more sophisticated tips and techniques? Understanding the target audience’s level of expertise can help to tailor the advice in the article accordingly.


  1. Are there any specific types of on-page optimizations, such as structured data or mobile optimization, that you would like the article to cover?
  2. Would you like the article to include any tips or strategies for using social media to improve SEO for Shopify stores?
  3. How important is content marketing for Shopify store owners, and would you like the article to provide any guidance on this topic?

Top 5 Keyword Research Tools for Shopify Store Owners:

  1. Google Keyword Planner
  2. SEMrush
  3. Ahrefs
  4. Moz Keyword Explorer
  5. Ubersuggest

Prioritizing SEO Considerations for Shopify Store Owners:

  1. Keyword research and optimization
  2. On-page optimization, including title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags
  3. Site structure and navigation
  4. User experience and page speed
  5. Mobile optimization

Common SEO Mistakes for Shopify Store Owners:

  1. Duplicate content on product pages

  2. Poorly optimized title tags and meta descriptions

  3. Slow page speed and poor site performance

  4. Lack of keyword optimization on product pages

  5. Poor site structure and navigation

  6. The article should be comprehensive and include any specific types of on-page optimizations that would benefit the SHopify Shop Owners SEO optimization., 2. Th article is focussed on improving Shopify Store Owner’s Organic SEO Optimizations, as such, it is not necessary to provide tips or strategies related to social media. Social media marketing is a different topic and is dicussed in a different article. Place a link in this article to the Social Media Marketing Plan article., 3. Content marketing is a key component to generating Organci Traffic and should be a significant topic within the article. The article should include a list of ways the SHopify Store Owner can create and publish content on their Shopify Store.

Revised Prompt:

Write a comprehensive article that provides Shopify store owners with actionable tips for optimizing their on-page SEO. The article should cover various on-page optimizations, including structured data and mobile optimization, in addition to optimizing product pages and meta descriptions. It should also provide guidance on keyword research and other optimizations that can be implemented on Shopify stores to improve their organic search rankings. The article should prioritize the considerations a Shopify store owner should make when optimizing their SEO, and provide a list of common SEO mistakes and guidance on how to avoid them. Content marketing should be a significant topic within the article, with a list of ways the Shopify store owner can create and publish content on their Shopify store.

Suggestions: To improve the prompt, it would be helpful to provide some information on the target audience’s industry or niche focus, if any, as this could influence the specific on-page optimizations that are most relevant. Additionally, providing some context on the target audience’s level of technical expertise and familiarity with SEO would help to tailor the advice in the article accordingly.


  1. Would you like the article to provide guidance on technical SEO considerations, such as page speed and site structure, in addition to on-page optimizations?
  2. How important are local SEO considerations for Shopify store owners, and would you like the article to provide any guidance on this topic?
  3. Are there any specific content marketing strategies, such as blogging or video marketing, that you would like the article to cover in more detail?

Link to Social Media Marketing Plan article: [Insert link]

List of ways Shopify Store Owners can create and publish content:

  1. Write product descriptions that include relevant keywords and are optimized for search engines
  2. Create a blog on the Shopify store and publish content regularly
  3. Create video content, such as product demos or how-to guides, and post them on the Shopify store and social media platforms
  4. Utilize user-generated content, such as product reviews or customer photos, on the Shopify store and social media platforms
  5. Offer downloadable resources, such as ebooks or whitepapers, that provide value to customers and help to establish the Shopify store as a thought leader in their industry

I am done

Great, happy to have helped you create the prompt! If you have any further questions or if you need any more assistance in the future, feel free to reach out to me.

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You did not understand my post.

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I am also confused by the long text… checkout the example

or click on “new topic” in AIPRM Feature Requests to get a template to fill out

Thank you for all your comments and replies. I appreciate everyone of them. Hopefully this reply will clear up some of the confusion:

As a copywriter, creating unique and compelling content is essential to succeed in the competitive digital landscape. With the increasing demand for high-quality content, copywriters need to have the right tools to enhance their skills and improve their productivity. That’s where ChatGPT’s comprehensive prompt generator comes into play.

If you’re looking for a way to create prompts quickly and efficiently, then ChatGPT’s prompt generator is the perfect tool for you. With its user-friendly interface and advanced AI technology, ChatGPT allows you to generate comprehensive prompts in a matter of seconds. Let’s take a closer look at how this tool works and how it can help you maximize your copywriting potential.

Step 1: Starting the Generator

To get started, type “START” to activate the prompt generator. The generator will ask you to provide a basic prompt that outlines the topic you want to write about. For example, you can type “Write me a 500-word article on SEO for beginners.” The prompt generator will then start generating a prompt for you based on the given topic.

Step 2: Refining the Prompt

Once the generator has created a prompt, it will ask you several questions to refine the prompt and get more information from you. These questions can help you fine-tune your prompt and make it more specific to your needs. The generator uses advanced AI technology to analyze your responses and generate a more comprehensive prompt based on the information you provide.

Step 3: Generating the Final Prompt

After you have answered all the questions, the generator will use the information you provided to generate a final prompt. The prompt will include all the details you need to write a compelling and unique piece of content. You can then copy and paste the prompt into a new chat, and ChatGPT will help you create the perfect article.

ChatGPT’s comprehensive prompt generator is an excellent tool for copywriters who want to enhance their skills and productivity. By providing a user-friendly interface and advanced AI technology, ChatGPT can help you generate comprehensive prompts in a matter of seconds. Here are some benefits of using ChatGPT’s prompt generator:

  1. Saves Time: With ChatGPT’s prompt generator, you can create comprehensive prompts quickly and efficiently. This tool can save you time and allow you to focus on what you do best – writing great content.
  2. Improves Productivity: By providing you with a comprehensive prompt, ChatGPT can help you stay focused and improve your productivity. You won’t have to spend time brainstorming ideas or researching topics, as the generator does all that for you.
  3. Enhances Creativity: ChatGPT’s prompt generator can also help you enhance your creativity by providing you with unique and compelling prompts. These prompts can inspire you to write articles that are engaging, informative, and entertaining.
  4. Customizable: ChatGPT’s prompt generator is highly customizable, allowing you to create prompts specific to your needs. You can choose from a wide range of topics and refine your prompt by answering questions and providing more information.

In conclusion, ChatGPT’s comprehensive prompt generator is an excellent tool for copywriters who want to enhance their skills and productivity. By providing a user-friendly interface and advanced AI technology, ChatGPT can help you generate comprehensive prompts quickly and efficiently. So why not give it a try and see how it can help you take your copywriting to the next level?