RULE: Read and Learn. Don't expect a Copy/Paste Quick Fix

Don’t expect a Copy/Paste Quick Fix.

This Community is for Learners, not just Copy-Pasters.

Try to Analyse & Understand everything, to help build a Co-operative Community.


YES YES This community has been so amazing to me learning how to be a Digital Prompt Engineer


How can you learn effectively when you can’t tweak the initial prompt to your liking and your prompts disappear from clicking a button… ? :frowning:


Is there any chance we can see what the prompts are so we can better understand how they work and utilize them better?


To @VisibleSurprise and @Xhsk you really need to learn to read more carefully. The opening post states:

This Community is for Learners, not just Copy-Pasters.

Note that I emboldened the key words there - ‘this community’. It is not about the AIPRM interface. How you learn via a community is to understand that it includes many of the writers of prompts, and you can simply ask.

Of course, if you wish your asking to be successful and useful, you’ll have to hope that they pay more attention to the details of what is said than you have, and of course, pay much better attention to future replies.


I’d recognize that smile anywhere… but the real giveaway is your response. Not as long as most of your answers, but made me look!! :sweat_smile: :joy:

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@Ammon, how does what I said make me a “copy-paster” ? I just asked a question which I got an answer to in the Feature Requests.
And just for the record, tweaking a prompt doesn’t mean copy-paste and being able to do so it’s a bit better for one’s learning process than having it hardcoded by default.

Cheers !

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That’s not what anyone said. You replied to this topic asking “How can you learn effectively when you can’t tweak the initial prompt to your liking and your prompts disappear from clicking a button” which clearly showed a misunderstanding of this topic, and which I corrected for you.

Intended or not, your comment, in the context of this topic, cane across as a criticism based on a misunderstanding of the subject under discussion. Context matters a lot. But even without the context of the topic, everything about this entire community and forum is entirely geared around the idea of learning from one another.


I think he meant that: This Community is made to learn/help by reading/asking, helping others, in the other hand @VisibleSurprise you mentioned a concern related to AIPRM extension, not the Community.
He doesn’t mention “not just Copy-Pasters.” for you, just states the whole quote.


Totally agreed, not for copy pasters


When I use an AIPRM prompt, sometimes when I get out of chatgpt, go back in and click on the item in the history, the full prompt appears at the top.


If you do copy and paste and dont bother checking the text, you might actually copy paste arm and chatgpt code into your html. That’might’ at some point trigger a google alert; afterr all it can read it, so be careful

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What are you talking about here?

occasionally i might copy and paste an exert, where it has stopped and i have had to say continue… then i copy paste the content… and remove that continue text etc. but in the code view there can still be code. a signature for all intents and purposes.
a google alert int he sense of geting penalised… we dont know how google will react as always, probably ok with good content created with ai. but if it thinks its just a spammy site AND theres ai signature in the code somehow, it might drop it from decent serps


Love this forum and discussion. Thank you to all that have contributed. So much knowledge and ideas in one place should be illegal.


Thanks so much @Steven_Godlewski - I’m glad you appreciate all the knowledge and work put into - and we’re just getting started :rocket:


mind is blown by the capabilities of this plugin cant wait to see how it can be used to help my clients thanks again