[SOLVED IN] AIPRM UI broken by ChatGPT Update August 16, 2023

same but i dont know how its solw this issue ?

See the latest update above for the current status and possible options:

Hey Folks, Installing the version for Chrome in Dev mode works. In order to install it, remove the extension from your browser. Go to this link and download the zip. Unpack it. Then go to your extension view in Chrome and turn on Dev Mode. Then click the ā€˜Load Unpackedā€™ button and upload the unpacked folder. There you go, it works. https://forum.aiprm.com/uploads/short-url/6f9aK2z0w4vOgwrNB4OXmB22GVS.zip

No mine is not working on laptop but my phone app is working. better than nothing but I have work to do

Thanks, itā€™s working now

The download file cannot remove? I noticed once remove put to trash after install , it will not work. Have to keep the download file in order to work.

I just bought the pro version for this to happen! Makes me wonder about the 1 Start reviews !

We have benefited a lot through.

Thanks Chris, its works after uploading manually in chrome Developer modeā€¦

same problem for me also

Good morning my friend

When I can use it properly

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please provide the manully installation link

This is working very well.

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Coolā€¦ Manual Installation worksā€¦

chatgpt aiprm is[quote=ā€œaiprm-tiborb, post:1, topic:47728, full:trueā€]
AIPRM UI is currently broken due to the ChatGPT Update on August 16, 2023.

Update: We have submitted a fix in AIPRM for ChatGPT v1.1.8.16 to Google and Microsoft for review.

For Microsoft Edge, the fix has already been approved and published.

Updates and possible workaround in this topic

not working

i wanna link aiprm to chat gpt in chrome. But i cant change . I just get the same message like you to see tna screen. can i change?

[quote=ā€œaiprm-christophc, post:132, topic:47728ā€]
just did the developer install, all seems to work again
[/quote]helloļ¼Œi can not use it now in Macbookļ¼Œso what can i do to fix it

my quori not show page not scorling

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AIPRM UI is currently broken due to the ChatGPT Update on August 16, 2023.

We have submitted a fix in AIPRM for ChatGPT v1.1.8.16 to Google and Microsoft for review.

For Microsoft Edge, the fix has already been approved and published.

Updates and possible workaround in this topic