Tax Filing for Business Owners in the Philippines

Link to Prompt

What the Prompt does

  • It will give information to business owners in the Philippines on how to file their tax
  • All business owners doesn’t know or have a little idea about this because they solely in-charge it to the bookkeepers. It would be necessary they know the basic operation.
  • Use bullet points

Example Prompt Output GPT3.5

Give the input as text - marked as code example

Give the output as text - marked as code example

Example Prompt Output GPT4

Give the input as text - marked as code example

Give the output as text - marked as code example

Screenshot is only useful if it is about Emoji, Images or Mermaid charts rendered by ChatGPT,
in all other cases the text is better. Why? Because it’s indexable.

How I came up with it

If you are NOT the original author, link to where you found it or give credit in another way to the original author.

WARNING: Just dumping your Prompt link here won’t cut it, and may be removed by moderators

More insights

For inspiration look at this good example by @RealityMoez


You should complete the missing parts as they are important - the example in GPT3.5, the example in GPT4, and the information on how you came up with it.

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