How do AIPRM Verified Prompts work for users? How do they work for Prompt Engineers?

Here’s a quick overview of how AIPRM Verified Prompts work for Users and Prompt Authors

As announced, this will be a premium feature in AIPRM very soon, and people will pay for higher quality prompts.

This feature means a lot of manual quality assurance work for AIPRM that is being paid for.

Users need help with one or more of these pains low-quality prompts, which is wasting their time.

The User Pains with Community Prompt Templates

PAIN: Prompts that don’t work

It’s surprising how many poor prompts get a lot of votes. There’s some spamming going on as well in some cases.

However, no user of AIPRM wants a prompt that doesn’t work well.

“Work well” is explained in the AIPRM Guidelines in pretty details.

PAIN: Prompts with poor description, lack of help, and examples

Many community prompts in AIPRM do have not helpful descriptions. It’s used to be worse before we cracked down on non-English descriptions and that Emojii-hell with 10+ emojis in one Prompt.

We still suffer from “clickbait titles” that are annoying to many.

PAIN: Ad links in the output

Prompts that are generating (often unrelated and really dumb) advertisement links in the output
Nobody likes these, but we have yet to crack down on them for public community prompts.

If you have a successful prompt for, say Topic Research and then feed people a link to your coffee maker shop, they can smell your spam and vote it down anyways.

PAIN: Prompts that need maintenance

Some prompts need to be adapted to a newer version of ChatGPT; we had that in the past.

Already today, we have some Prompts not working with the Feb 13 ChatGPT, but we were OK with the Jan 9 version.

The User Benefits with AIPRM Verified Prompt Templates

Users or the AIPRM Pro Plans will be able to access AIPRM Verified Prompts and benefit from AIPRM taking care of all the above pains.

In essence, that means doing a lot of prompt engineering, testing, documentation, and even support for these prompts.

How AIPRM Verified Prompts work for Prompt Authors

Selection Process

We manually and carefully select which Prompt Templates are of outstanding quality and deserve the time and attention of AIPRM Pro users. Not every prompt qualifies for that.

There’s no “application process” currently planned, other that writing and publishing great Prompt Templates on AIPRM. We see the good prompts, we see the spam and we decide.

Our work at AIPRM is to create the most useful basket of Prompt Templates for AIPRM Pro users that avoid them wasting time on low quality prompts.

Getting your Prompt Template AIPRM Verified is not easy, fast or trivial.

Review and Publishing Process

AIPRM Verified Prompts are carefully selected from existing prompts, then forked (cloned) and cleaned up.

By the time your Prompt Template gets published as AIPRM Verified Prompt, the following happens:

  • AIPRM forks (linked clone) the Prompt Template Template from the Author to AIPRM, review and improve it.
  • Authors will keep the credits Author Name and Author URL (if guidelines are met) and get the total exposure we always provided and promised.
  • Any “In Prompt Ad links” will be removed.
  • Any “Ads” inside the teaser or title will be removed.
  • Author cannot change our reviewed and approved version anymore. Future revisions to the Prompt Template may need to be applied and reviewed manually later.
  • AIPRM has complete control over Prompt Template from this point on to avoid Prompt Authors deleting their template, changing links to some spammy targets etc.
  • Users can trust that the Prompt Template is 100% what AIPRM saw, tested and approved.

Will the verified prompt’s author see if it’s verified or not ? (without premium plan)

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We will

  • inform all authors of AIPRM Verfied Prompts
  • invite them to a special closed group specific to authors of prompts picked for AIPRM Verfied Prompts
  • mark their Community profile with a special badge

In the AIPRM extension code there is currently no special code implemented to highlight to the author if a prompt was picked for AIPRM Verified Prompts, to avoid further complexity, as complexity grows anyways with paid plans and more features. We may add this at a later point, if we decide to.

As of today March 9, 2023 all authors of AIPRM Verfied Prompts for the initial launch of the feature have been informed already.


Here is a quick video summary of how AIPRM Verified Promtps will help users.


Hi, Being a little vulnerable here, yet 100% open, I really don’t even know how all of this works in the first place. I joined at the $20 level because so many prompts felt overwhelming. I am hoping to learn how to maximize them so I can write posts and also create really fun scripts for videos.

I am not just crossing my fingers. I am watching the videos. I upgraded ChatGPT as well. I feel nervous and challenged–which is the other side of excited. Thank you for doing your best to make it easier. I deleted all other chat gpt extensions (for now), although I did like pressing a button and getting a summary. and I was looking forward to speaking to chatgpt with another extension. Based on your suggestion I read, I deleted them. So yes, I have great expectations now. Unlike all of these other “wiz” types, I am not technical. I will be looking for more guidance along the way.

Thank you for all of your efforts.

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