1001 Paying Customers in AIPRM

It’s done. Merely 52 hours after launch of AIPRM Premium
on Thursday March 16 at 13:37 we have 1001 paying customers in AIPRM.

Not an easy game, but we did it!

This is a great success and validation of AIPRM,
the model and everything we we did so far.
:rocket: :nerd_face: :heart: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yes, there are some haters and Karens, like always,
but those few that take their time (and ChatGPT)
to write eloquent statements dissing AIPRM do not matter in the overall picture.

I’ve not seen any substantial and constructive feedback from haters, but merely naive statements like

  • “AIPRM has no software is behind it, no engineer, algorithm or anything else that would justify the price.”
  • Curating AIPRM Verified Prompts doesn’t need work, time, resources
  • “The software does only store text files”
  • “The software is gimmicky”
  • “You should have only 2 plans, you’re doing it all wrong and I have 2452 years of whatever experience.”
  • “It’s supposed to be free”
  • “It should be all unlimited”
  • “That $500 Titan plan should be a lifetime deal”
  • and many more absurd statements.

Whenever I tried to get just 1 minute deeper into suggestions it all evaporated into more or less reactions of surprise or even envy that we won’t work our asses off for free and spend XXX,XXX$ just for fun.

All expressions of cognitive dissoance that we “dare” to charge for our work.

You bet, my friend.

And the prices may even be going up from April 17. as announced.

I spare you all the personal attacks on myself or even my team.

I want to thank my whole team, but especially also the volunteer mods @Ammon and @RealityMoez
You won’t believe the heat they have taken off already!

I also remember well that person who was on vacation and wanted to buy the AIPRM Pro plan via their Android phone, which of course worked in Kiwi browser. Exciting engagement :slight_smile:

But my old saying was true more than ever:
The only thing worse than a $1 customer is a “free” user (non-customer)

But what matters in the end are the customers deciding with their wallets.

Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt, 15 years ago already with Link Detox.

Haters spend time commenting.

Customer spend benefiting from their purchase with you.

I am REALLY proud about this launch,
and I look VERY much forward to developing AIPRM further.

and the team of

PS: for those interested in what the AIPRM Verified Prompts are about, here’s a short video and some links.

AIPRM Verified Prompts: The Key to Your Success

How do AIPRM Verified Prompts work for users? How do they work for Prompt Engineers?

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One of the biggest joys, and woes, of human individuals, is that they are all so individual! Some love change and novelty, while others absolutely hate change to routine. And neither of those things are either really good, or really bad, just differences. However, those who hate change and love routine will always automatically have a subconscious bias beneath their thinking on a new deal even before they hear it. It simply is what it is.

That said, I still wonder which will finally, say 3 months from now, turn out to be the percentages going with each plan. I think there’s so much in the $5 plan that it will suffice for the majority, but then, $20 doesn’t break the bank for anyone really, so I can certainly see anyone unsure going with the extra (better to have extra features and not need them, than to need them and not have them, right?)…

Hope we’ll continue to get updates, as you know I love these kinds of insights into buyer behaviours and what drives decisions.

Oh @Ammon you are so good at extracting juicy details, like with that Google Engineer on the topic of “what really matters”… "Content and Links, what do you think :rage: " haha classic.

So you’re really asking - what’s the most popular plan, right?

The PRO. Of course. 80% buy the PRO at $20/month.
Then PLUS. almost no BASIC.

Pricing psychology play a role on that Plans&Pricing, and unlike some haters, I’ve designed those for many years and had to take the consquences, not just “read some articles” :slight_smile:

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Yeah, lets face it, for many $20 is really such a small amount that it just isn’t worth hesitating over. While I have every sympathy for those for whom $20 is an investment they have to think about, and by no means have forgotten what it is like having to bootstrap your way up from nothing, considering it is an investment into greater productivity in making money, well…

My hesitation is simply over the fact that the $5 plan includes so much, but, it comes down to the fact that $20 is less than I’ve spent on a cab ride just to be sure I wouldn’t be late even when walking probably would have gotten me there on time. It’s a negligable investment when looked at as part of doing business.

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Personally… I tried the initial free tool. Really nice ! Thanks for that!

I also tried the paid tool.

But I uninstalled it. I could not see the benefits compared to the free one for my personal use.

I do not need favorites: I just have to convert community prompts into personal ones.

I don’t see the value in the plans… Sorry

But if you make a clear video explaining them, I may change my mind!


It’s important that you mentioned "for my personal use", because many people find it useful, and others not, and that’s a valid point.

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I’m not sure we’d want to change your mind, @Gyt - we really do mean it when we say we want people to make their own decisions, based on their own use-cases and situations. Now, for sure, if you’d made your decision based on misinformation, or a lack of understanding, we’d love to educate and inform… Was there something you didn’t feel you understood? If not, nothing to change. Be happy as a free user, and we’re happy you are using it happily.


Introducing New Update

the Verified Prompts feature

and stay tuned for the YouTube Channel. (if there’s any new upcoming videos)

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Thanks for the verified prompt video.

But I wonder why I simply couldn’t just use the likes as a way to determine the quality of the prompts.

And beyond quality, what’s important to me is what the prompt provides: do the results fit my needs?

And for that, I need to test the prompts. Some of them may be of quality but may not fit my needs.

And I do not see how aiprm can know my needs and provide the prompt I’ll find adequate.

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Imagine it is 6 months into the future (I promise not to keep you reading quite that long :wink: )

Imagine that in 5 months from now, the 4th update to ChatGPT since the year began broke the way several prompts work, because it introduced a new and better way to handle something. The prompts written in the 5 months before the update had all those extra months of gaining likes. The updated ones that actually work have only had one month… See where this is going?

Verification is the process of AIPRM staff members going through and personally checking the quality and reliability of prompts, and constantly updating their list of which are the best, the most reliable, day to day. It simply saves time over users having to find out the hard way that the prompt they tried using wasn’t the best, or maybe even doesn’t work as well as is claimed.

Congrats! And here is a picture from Playa Bonita Samaná Dominican Republic for proof


one of my children photo bombed it with a presidente beer.

Viva el Presidente!
(Now I suddenly want to go play Tropico again)

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Here’s the thing, I’m a heavy user of digital services.
What I’m used to is having ranking mechanisms - by number of likes, creation date, update date, community ratings/likes… - as a way to select addons, plugins, snippets… or prompt templates for that matter.

Very rarely - if ever - a quality human-based curation mechanism is sold to me. Even Apple and and Google in their app stores do not really curate for quality - that’s done by users through ratings and number of downloads/rankings. These behemoths curate to make sure developers abide by their rules, not for quality and market fit.

The potential confusion in 6 months time can easily be fixed with sorting criteria.
And the standard for sorting criteria is… free.

Nowhere else you pay for that.

So here’s my point: AIPRM has yet to find a set of features attractive enough for me to pay.

But I’m sure you guys will progress in your feature set and that at some point, the product may become really valuable to me and my way of seeing things.

Wishing you the best because I really like the free version.


used to is having ranking mechanisms


And we have done all that already. You may not know this, but we’ve also implemented a lot of fairly complex anti-spam algos, prompt source content quality algos and work day and night to try to ensure quality of prompts automatically (you have no idea about the junk some people submit “for public”, lol).

That’s all free, and we’re happy if you like it.

The Verified Prompts shall solve a different problem. Trust & Experience & Maintenance.
Some Prompt authors are unexperienced or simply lose interest.
Who’s going to make sure the prompts work with GPT-4?

Who’s moderating the Prompt User Questions ? AIPRM.

We simply cannot speak and support all those 2000+ Prompt Templates,
but many users and business ask for exactly that - a trusted authority to help with questions, to clean out the spam and to help make sure that work is uninterrupted.

So while I totally agree with your comparison to some Apple store installs, this is more of a moving target than software packages (where 1 package is being developed for weeks or months and then reviewed once, given to 100,000s).

Prompts are the new Source Code.
Prompts behave different for every customer/user/topic/use case.

Many community prompts are limited, not generic enough - some even failed to have the TARGETLANGUAGE variable correct and spit out stuff in say “Italian” despite the language selection.

All this quality control is the work of AIPRM, and AIPRM Verified Prompts help you pick what works for you, what works for us and what we at AIPRM stand behind.

Wishing you the best because I really like the free version.

Thank you! Just keep using the free version like so many others,
and thanks for the valuable and constructive feedback!


Of course. Which is why a major industry exists in the manipulation and abuse of every kind of ranking or sorting system exists. Trust me on this, as an SEO of some decades now (started in 1995), where SEO is a multi-billion dollar industry largely about manipulating, influencing, and outright cheating some of the most advanced ranking systems ever created.

You probably have an accountant, who helps you slip under or around the various systems that rank how much you need to pay in so far as is legally allowed.

You’ve probably bought a best-selling book at some point, despite that the ‘best-seller’ lists are yet another ranking system that is heavily gamed and cheated… (off-topic: How much those lists are played and manipulated is fascinating stuff if you ever look into it).

Human review is still the system that mostly works out as the most accurate system of eliminating abuse, except that it is expensive and difficult to scale.


Agree with people trying to circumvent ranking systems.

But human curation is no better. It’s subjective, unverifiable, and… prone to corruption (no offense to you guys, just the way things are)


Oh, human curation is certainly far from perfect. But it really is still better and less prone to error than all alternatives.

People already have tried dozens of ways to abuse AIPRM systems. The most obvious and basic, of course, is to create multiple accounts and upvote their own prompts. The next most common is to create upvote cartels, where a group of prompt writers collaborate to upvote each others prompts to the 5 upvote point so they can spam out their next one. Trust me that the AIPRM staff have every system they can in place to help catch these, and Christoph is not just a very, very experienced tools supplier, but is also himself very experienced in the SEO world, and well aware of some of the amazingly complex manipulations people can come up with (seriously, some exploits are ‘beautiful’ in their engineering and complexity), yet still would, I believe confirm that the ultimate test is human review.

Google, who use more AI than anyone else I can think of and own DeepMind, and have spent huge amounts of time on constantly developing anti-manipulation systems, techniques, even AI (SpamBrain), still ultimately rely on human review as their ultimate weapon.